Here are some rule updates so that you guys know what to expect.
Squats - The lifter will get a squat command from me, the judge, at the completion of each rep, just like in Strongman competition. This is done to eliminate pumping non lockout reps
Bench press - Same rule as squat, at the lockout, I will yell press for the lifter to start another rep
Deadlift - I will tell the lifter when to lower the bar, as long as I'm satisfied its a completed rep. Once the bar returns to the ground, the lifter must pause (no bouncing) then begin another rep
Clean & PP/J - No bouncing off the ground, I will signal the lifter to lower the bar when its locked out
Ukrainian deadlifts - Every rep must touch the ground, reps that arent locked out or not touched on the ground will simply not be counted, as in previous comps, but the lifter can continue without commands from the judge.
A 10 point bonus to any lifter able to complete a rep in every challenge
Deadlifts can be hitched
Squats must break parallel
Bench press is touch and go, bum stays on bench
Markos, on deadlifts, lets say you have done 10 reps in a minute and the 10th rep nearly kills you... can you stand up and take a 30sec rest before trying for one more or do the hands have to stay on the bar?