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Poached some chicken breast with some herbs. When nearly done, added 2 eggs. (they cook and collect all the herbs on the top)
Bit of rice in a bowl. Slice chicken and put in bowl as well as poached eggs. Then I got some of this spicy salsa I have, added a bit of water to give it a bit more volume. Chuck it in the bowl and slap it in the microwave for a min or so.
Yeah guys, I've been doing IF for sometime now.

Much better for hunger/appetite control plus it has a positive effect on metabolic rate. Gives you so much time to do other things and stops me from being a hungry pain in the ass when the family is out and about on the weekends etc.

Plus nothing beats having 3000 calories stuffed in between 12-1pm and 7-8pm lol Like an 8 hour buffet'!

I do better eating like this as well. Just wondering what time you train? Nothing worse than being on a cut and being taunted with little 400cal meals all the time.
I do better eating like this as well. Just wondering what time you train? Nothing worse than being on a cut and being taunted with little 400cal meals all the time.
You know it Bazza, no 400 calorie meals for this puppy! LOL

I train at 6am. Normally pre and post training consists of 5grms of creatine, 2 grams beta alanine and 7.5-10 grams of EAA's
You know it Bazza, no 400 calorie meals for this puppy! LOL

I train at 6am. Normally pre and post training consists of 5grms of creatine, 2 grams beta alanine and 7.5-10 grams of EAA's

Thanks for that. I normally train at 8am and just stated cutting in the last couple weeks and just fine tuning my diet.
Thanks for that. I normally train at 8am and just stated cutting in the last couple weeks and just fine tuning my diet.

No problem Bazza. I need to correct myself, I use the creatine, beta alanine and EAA's pre and only the EAA's post

I found training Fasted has made no difference in performance etc (which it shouldn't compared to having a pre workout meal). Lifts have been on the increase etc.

How long have you been doing IF?

Probably not doing a proper IF. But I pretty much fell into that way of eating before I had even heard of IF. I like eating a good breakfast after training and a good dinner but can't be bothered with lunch. So just pushed most of my calories to those 2 meals. I tried the 6-8+ meals a day for a while and it was a nightmare especially when cutting and I couldn't see any reason why so many meals were needed.

Been eating this way for a couple years. Been a bit slack of late with a lazy bulk but haven't put on much fat at all. Now doing a cut for a while.
Cool Bazza! Mate I'm hearing you about the 6-8 meals. But it is funny how some people think it is 'hardcore' and necessary to eat like that

Good luck with the cut buddy!
Ok I'm not eating it now, but I'm going to have a crack at this on the weekend - Max Brenner Dark Chocolate & Peanut Butter (melted) added to some Bulk Nutrients WPC and then mix with some Gelatin! Hoping it will turn out like an Ice-Cream consistency !? It will be called MaxBrenners Protein Dream Ice-Cream!

I'm going to give that a go as well
I cook scrambled eggs maybe 3-4 times a year and spaghetti bolognaise even less often. Apart from that, I don't do kitchens. I leave that up to my wife.

Same with supermarkets, I go there even less often than the kitchen. I'd almost rather go to a gay bar than the supermarket. I went to one last weekend to check egg whites, felt like I needed a compass.
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