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I take 1 or 2 of those 95gm tuna cans to work every day.

Tonights dinner: Bulgogi (Korean beef) and rice, plus soup.
Can't believe people don't like roo and tuna, its bloody good for you. Right now though i'm eating camel sausages, bloody beautiful.
8am: WPC shake

10am: 300g brown rice + 95g tuna + carrot

12pm: large lamb kebab + miso soup + apple

Now: big bowl of pasta + chicken + peas + spinach

Later: WPC pre-workout and post-workout, then one final meal (meat/veg)
5am: ORAC Energy Green, 200ml Apple Juice
6.45am: 2 whole eggs, 4 egg whites, 1 cup of oats, 1 cup of milk
9.30: 60g wpc, 80g powdered oats, 5g cacao
12pm-1pm: EAA's
1pm: 50g Dextrose, EAA's
2pm: left over beef stirfry, 700ml milk
4pm: 60g wpc, 80g powdered oats, 5g cacao
6.30pm: beef stew, 700ml milk
9pm: 60g WPI, 400ml milk, Cinnamon powder, 1 table spoon cocont oil
breakfast (which I'm still eating), a medium sized bowl of wholegrain porridge with a kiwifruit, yoghurt and protein powder. Had a multivitamin and some creatine and a joint powder (msm, glucosamine, chondroiton) too.
Damned nice way to start the day

and by medium i mean large

lunch: pineapple canned 400g, 90g chicken canned, something else? :\
later: fish and chips. (not something i eat often + i was low on cals on a day i dont feel like being low cal)
dinner: microwaves frozen veges beans, carrots and peas. + 300g steak.
a bit of healthy things i cant remember... green tea.... once or twice + um... dunno.... oh a lil bit of green salady stuff and ......... :\ might have a protein shake before bed soon.....
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4 hi-bran weet bix w/ milk
mass gainer shake with milk and extra oats

2 pieces whole grain bread w/ 160grms chicken breast
3 egg whites
200grms yogurt
1 orange
yogurt muesli bar

lunch same as smokeo

post workout
protein shake, creatine, multis, fish oil
then 30 min later brown rice and chicken

meat and veg

casein shake with 400mls milk
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