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Dude, wheres all your carbs?

I am cutting down on carbs, i heard its a good way to drop bf % ??

Today i had 2 slices of white bread with 4 slices of ham 2 slices of cheese and a protein shake mixed with water for breakfast.

For the rest of the day ive had 500g of smoked cod, 200g of tuna, 4Xboiled eggs (yokes removed) and 2x protein shakes w/water.

Im currently lifting weights 4-5 times a week with about 30 min cardio each day. Any tips guys ??
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Yeah that diet sucks ass..

You threw out the best part of the egg.

Your under eating and over training...
Brekky -porriage with some banana and saltanas

Mid morning - 5 eggs, 1 slice of toast and some ham/tomato.


Off to gym in a hour or so.

The best way is to minus about 300-500 calories from your daily recommended amount. (also go here, http://www.muscleandstrength.com/articles/how-to-create-a-bodybuilding-diet.html).

Anyway, On topic, I'm having chocolate milk after my workout soon
I'm sure you are all sick of reading another newbies diet post so i'll post in here.

I'm 22 6'3 and around 150lbs trying to bulk up. I train what I believe to be hard (started off with body weight exersises and small weights for 2 months and moved onto 5x5 full body workouts) but seem to get caught up in the rights and wrongs of nutrition. Any tips would be great. I'm also trying to stay healthy and heard too much meat is a bad thing?

All rough measurements

Meal 1
2 cups milk
whey protein (around 30g)
handful of oats
good squeeze of honey
large scoop of natural peanut butter
large scoop icecream
2 fish caps
1 multi vitamin

meal 2
usually chicken and pasta, sasauge hotpot...something like that

meal 3
chicken breast
salad or rice with 1 cup brocoli

meal 4
another shake as mentioned before

meal 5
whatever gf cooks, usually meat and rice or pasta

meal 6
another shake

meal 7 hour before bed
glass of milk
scoop of natual peanut butter

on training days I would replace a meal for 2 recovery drinks (pre and post-workout)

is this a sissy vegans diet or am I getting close to a bulking diet?


I went to coles they had lamb mince on special 2.40 per 500g I ate 1.5 kg today.

And had some turkey breast for dinner...

Also that almond,cashnew and brazil nut butter mixed with raw honey and strawberries is ****ing insane..
For the guys in Brisbane, where do you buy your bulk meat? I bought 3kg of chicken breast today from coles for around 30 bucks. Where else do you guys go?
For the guys in Brisbane, where do you buy your bulk meat? I bought 3kg of chicken breast today from coles for around 30 bucks. Where else do you guys go?

The butcher near me charges $11 a kilo which is $1 over the chain supermarkets but the quality is not even close, im quite happy to pay the extra 1$. I remember the shit im bought from coles was terrible and vowed to never buy from them again.
For T, butterflied and covered 4 chicken breasts in olive oil, garlic, onion and parsley, baked them in the oven, had them with baked potatoes. Kids had 1 between them, I had 1 and a half, the rest is for snacks tomorrow

protein shake, 1/2 cup almonds, 1/4 cup blueberries and a little bit of dark choc

Meal 2 - 6:

Salmon steak with almonds

protein shake, 1/2 cup almonds, 1/4 cup blueberries and a little bit of dark choc

Meal 2 - 6:

Salmon steak with almonds

Is that Atlantic Salmon?

Holy crap i have a craving for Atlantic Salmon now. Havent had it in AGES.

I put a little bit of soy sauce and chili on mine and its delicious
Hmm I guess man lol - just get Salmon steaks from woolies - costing me a shit load to diet atm lol

You can get Atlantic Salmon which is like orange, or different Salmon (think its just called Australian Salmon) which is a white flesh and tastes like ass.

Atlantic Salmon is like $25-$30 per kilo. So if it is Atlantic Salmon it definitely would be costing you a shite load hehe.
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