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Damn you Jim I wanted those 4 eggs this morning. I'm hungry on the train reading this, next up something from the city maybe with chicken in it, class in 1 hour.

Roast vegies are delicious, what did you have?
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Haha yeah same thing happened to me yesterday, girlfriend ate the last of the eggs with her dinner and so didnt have any for breakfast!

I had roasted carrots, 3 small cubes of roasted pumpkin, couple pieces of cauliflower and roast potato (i know i shouldnt have but cmon, roast potatos are sick! :p) and some roasted onion as well. Also chucked in some steamed peas and broccoli.

Oh i also sprinkled the roasted vegies with mixed herbs and chili powder!

Was a great change to the usual steamed carrot/broccoli/cauliflower and peas. Loved it!
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Damn it everyone has eggs but me!

Spag bol with 100g cooked pasta (beef ravioli). Apple. Missing my eggs.
Breakfast: 5 egg whites, half an egg yolk, dash of full cream milk, quarter of a diced onion. All fried up in non-stick wok no oil. Two slices wholegrain toast no butter. Saving the WPC shake to mid-afternoon pre-workout.
so far today - 4 eggs, 2 bits of toast, protein shake with 250ml lite milk, 2 bananas, 4 95g tins of tuna, 1 cup brown rice, apple

atm i'm cooking a chicken breast which i'll make into a parmigiana and have some veges with it
My week days go:
Cup of oats with milk, shortly after at work I have 2 cups of my home made soup thing ( beef mince, veg, beans all blended up for weekly mix), then smoko is chicken broc, cauli, carrot and rice, same for lunch, oats and milk when i get home and then again after weights if training day, then whatever i cook for T for me and the kids, tonight is roast chicken.
I would add eggs the same as everyone else but am highly allergic to them:mad:

110 grams Olive Oil Sardines, 95 grams Tomato and Onion Tuna, 95 grams Sole Mare Olive Oil Tuna, Corn + Salads.
Just finishing off my tuna and vegies. This sux. I want fish and chips like the rest of the office people here. they always have that on Fridays. It smells so nice. :(


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I try to eat well most of the time.

Breakfast:1 glass juice/1 cup of green tea/one small sache of porridge/2 slices of toast.

Smoko:small tub of pureed fruit,bottle of water,4 anzac biscuits.

Lunch:eek:ne sandwich 2 slices of multigrain bread,cheese,chicken burger,bbq sauce,cucumber,tomato,red onion,lettuce,alf alfa.drink or water or juice.

Dinner:watever is on the menu.
I try to eat well most of the time.

Breakfast:1 glass juice/1 cup of green tea/one small sache of porridge/2 slices of toast.

Smoko:small tub of pureed fruit,bottle of water,4 anzac biscuits.

Lunch:eek:ne sandwich 2 slices of multigrain bread,cheese,chicken burger,bbq sauce,cucumber,tomato,red onion,lettuce,alf alfa.drink or water or juice.

Dinner:watever is on the menu.

That is pretty bad, but we can work on it man...
Heyy i know it sucks.lol

Also im a diabetic so i also need to food in my diet and i also work fulltime as im a mechanic.

I dont want to be all look and no go.I'm more for strength and size.
I try to eat well most of the time.

Breakfast:1 glass juice/1 cup of green tea/one small sache of porridge/2 slices of toast.

Smoko:small tub of pureed fruit,bottle of water,4 anzac biscuits.

Lunch:eek:ne sandwich 2 slices of multigrain bread,cheese,chicken burger,bbq sauce,cucumber,tomato,red onion,lettuce,alf alfa.drink or water or juice.

Dinner:watever is on the menu.

You maintain 100kg+ on that!!??
Tonight I ate

Rockstar energy drink
1 mars bar
1 snickers bar
1 magnum
4/20 travelers pie

All at work in the space of 2 hours.

Thats a lot of sugar, I'm ashamed of myself. I have been out of control in the last 2 weeks.
Tonight I ate

Rockstar energy drink
1 mars bar
1 snickers bar
1 magnum
4/20 travelers pie

Done that before and worse (frequently), I happily do not do it anymore. Time for some eggs and a little bacon.
Posted via Mobile Device
An orange and half a boiled egg (I'm very sick and can't bring myself to eat anything).

I might make something better when I get home... DAMN WORK!

meal 1:
1 cup oats
1 scoop muscle milk

Meal 2:
2 scoops muscle milk
wheat grass

Meal 3:
300g steak

Meal 4:
300g steak

Meal 5:
honey chicken

Maybe something before bed if Iam hungry - or a pack of mnms lol
Heyy i know it sucks.lol

Also im a diabetic so i also need to food in my diet and i also work fulltime as im a mechanic.

I dont want to be all look and no go.I'm more for strength and size.

Diabetes can be controlled without insulin... And it can almost be reversed, proper diet nutrition and exercise are all it takes... But with your current eating it isnt possible..
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