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Bout to order some L-Glutamine, BCAAs and Dextrose from bulknutrients. Just wondering are they all used for PWO only? If they are then I'm just gonna make a PWO drink with all of it plus my protein and water.

Yes all postworkout add them all to the shake

When do you train in the day aswell, like morning night?

I'll wait to see what Derka says 1st before commenting.
I use shakes mixed with oats and a few other things and class them as a meal. It's too hard to consistently maintain a diet of 6 solid food meals a day. Being consistent means making it easy.

Totally agree, I did the proper food thing for 8-9 meals a day, while it's hella good, it's expensive, very time consuming and the logistics of getting it to work (Uni) is insane, you end up carrying a mass of tupperware containers everywhere.
I just ate 4 pork chops, with veges and salad, it was to die for, anyone got any idea how much protein is in pork chops?
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Do not insult other members, by all means disagree with them but do not insult.

drink is 1kg carrots, orange, apple juiced

Had that after a 20rep squat session, felt real good

Add 500-1000ml milk or protein shake
When do you train in the day aswell, like morning night?

I'll wait to see what Derka says 1st before commenting.

I train at night, around 6:30pm. I have meals 5 and 6 after gym.

Do you do cardio?
Derka's suggestions are good, a little extra here and there at each meal and you will be upping the calories by a lot over the course of the day. Do you work? If so is it an active job? Also look at chowing down a lot more post workout, you can usual get in a lot of calories at that time due to an increased appetite for repair.
No, I don't do any cardio. I used to run on the treadmill and play basketball but gave both of them up about 2 months ago.

good, add in those changes and give it a month, then if the weights not going up we'll add a few more cals
I just made a batch of soup and am currently having some.

It contains; potato, celery, parsley, brocolli, cauliflower, carrot, onion, zuchini, pasta, chicken, some olive oil when cooking chicken and vegtable stock powder.

It tastes ok but i still havent refined my recipe yet.

Food for next 4-5 days, more like 3 days, had to walk to the shops today, couldn't carry everything. 7 litres of milk, 1kg rump steak, 1kg chicken breast, 600 grams beef, 4x 185grams tuna, 3x 95 gram tuna, 700 grams mixed nuts, few cans of corn, tub of yoghurt, 1 kg mixed vegetables ( not shown )
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