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Your starving because you have not eaten anything all day...
Yet I'm still gaining size/strength? It's can't be that bad.

Since when have shakes not counted as a meal replacement? I still had more solid meals than shakes anyways? Or will I get shrink to 1/2 size, get cancer and die because I haven't followed your text books?

lol, that would make my missus extremely happy, she weighs in at a measly 48kg at 5ft 3... I currently have a 86kg weight advantage over her, the 2 of us side by side looks funny, my parents say "she looks like your lunch" hahahaha.
1. 5-6 Weetbix w/low fat milk, 3 pieces of toast w/vegemite, 30g WPC w/low fat milk, glass of orange juice.

2. Three quarters of a 425g can of tuna in springwater on 5 VitaWheat biscuits, 1 banana or muesli bar, 30g WPC in water.

3. Meal 3 (lunch) varies a fair bit. Usually something like a 400g can of baked beans on 2 pieces of toast, 1 banana, left over tuna mixed with a bag of Uncle Ben's pre-cooked rice.

4. 30g WPC in water, 1 teaspoon of Creatine.

5. Steak OR chicken OR pasta with mince in it, green vegetables, large serve of low fat yogurt with muesli mixed through it for dessert.

6. 30g WPC with low fat milk before bed.

That's a typical weekday for me, on the weekends it changes a bit I tend to throw a pizza or there and will miss a meal or two. I'm currently trying to bulk up, I'm 6ft and 89kg and I am finding it hard to put on more weight. I never used to eat butter and never cooked with oil etc but lately I have to try and get a more more calories in. I'm struggling to break 90kg. Any thoughts/tips would be appreciated.
You are nearly 3 times the size of her don't rollover in bed you might kill her.
Posted via Mobile Device

I'm not atm, but that's why I want to buy some, to have it PWO.

More food haha? Wow, I already feel like I'm eating a shit load

Don't stress about fat accumulation the food needs to go down for you to grow, if your not growing it's not enough for you and we'll up slightly modify it by adding in cals slowly so your comfortable to continue with it

Sounds good. Hopefully my gut goes down slowly heh.

Anyway eating breakfast atm. 4 small eggs, 2 bits of toast with nat pb and shake with 1 scoop wpi and 250ml low fat milk. Also should mention I eat fruit between meals during the day, like an apple or a mandarin or something.
Home made vegtable soup still working on the recipe.

It contains; onion, carrot, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, celery, stock powder.

In the future I may add some cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, herbs like pasley etc its still a work in progress.

My aim is to create a one stop shop for all my vegtable needs. Then all I have to worry about are essential fats and protien

Can definitely improve on this diet, i will have a crack at it soon.
I am finding it hard to put on more weight. I'm struggling to break 90kg. Any thoughts/tips would be appreciated.
It takes a while, just keep eating and keep training, check your scales once a week same time same day etc and keep checking, if it's not working, increase the serving sizes and keep on training.

What makes you think that me informing the uneducated general population comes from college text books? I wouldnt spill that dribble on anyone..

But i suppose the uneducated masses are expert in all things so lets not help them along in the right direction.

Lets get 1 thing straight. Protein shakes are supplements. Not meal replacements. Want to get big? Eat 6 meals a day then add a shake and milk too each one.

I use shakes mixed with oats and a few other things and class them as a meal. It's too hard to consistently maintain a diet of 6 solid food meals a day. Being consistent means making it easy.

I don't regard protein powder as supplements i regard them as necessary. I've always used them and i always would.

I find a key problem with most people is a lack of consistency in maintaining a diet which therefore affects there results.

When i help someone i use the exact same principles that enabled me to get to where i am, Shakes are a very good source of protein and they are not a supplement for me but necessary.

I understand your emphasising diet noobs and i think that's great though by the way, i suppose i just look as protein in a different light as you.

I agree and look forward to your assistance post for sphell. I'm trying to sort my diet out right now but lack consistency. I don't even care if its repetitive and boring, I just want something locked down which involves a morning drink such as WPC/milk/banana/oats and in what volume and a mid-afternoon snack of something equally easy then some ideas of meal make-ups for lunch/dinner. I know, fish and veg. Just got to make it easy and apply daily.

chewing gum they should let you hunt and kill game at work (and cook it) i hate being poor and not having any food

No i understand what you guys are saying and i used to think the same whey ( haha lol lol ol .. that was gay). Anyway until i did more research and found out how protein can turn on certain cancer genes in cells and what turns them off are phytochemicals and nutrients found in good plant based foods.

I used to replace meals with milk and whey, but you are lacking alot of good things that are needed in a meal.

Like i have said in another post it is all about what you want out of our bodies and life... Sure if al lyou want is a amino acid pool that your body can reach into to grap for muscle recovery then thats great drink away. How ever i urge people to realise that there are other factors at play here some that even the greatest intelects of our day and age probably do not even realise yet.

Im not saying dont have protein shakes im saying people should not look at them as long term meal replacements. Shit i have 1 shake with 1L of organic milk a day when im at college. But i understand what negative affects this may have on me.

I just think people need to be more educated, and the reason i think this is because i was one of the masses once.

I hope you understand the point i am trying to put accross..
I use shakes for a meal, but I have half a cup of nuts with it or a salad or some fruit etc etc. I just make it my protein source and replace my meat with it. Therefore to me it is part of my eating not just a supplement but not a meal into itself.
I use shakes for a meal, but I have half a cup of nuts with it or a salad or some fruit etc etc. I just make it my protein source and replace my meat with it. Therefore to me it is part of my eating not just a supplement but not a meal into itself.

And that is the way everyone should do it.. But people get into a pattern and start rpelacing proper meals with it and missingout on everything else they should be consuming.

That's understandable noobs and very good info, but as you said you use them yourself. perhaps they are the nessecary evil but until people start dropping dead over the next few years from them i will continue to take them.

Please don't take offence to this noobs your point is valid i just question the extent of how harmful they can be, i mean burnt toast is considered
carcinogen as it aspartame (diet coke, coke zero, etc).

I dont eat bunt toast and i dont drink coke or soft drinks...

There is a very well documented study. The china study.. You can even torrent it or you can buy the book on the study. You will learn a great dela of infomation..

As for people dropping dead just look around thats all anyone is doing lately dieing of cancer and diabetes and heart disease... The proof is all around.
Bout to order some L-Glutamine, BCAAs and Dextrose from bulknutrients. Just wondering are they all used for PWO only? If they are then I'm just gonna make a PWO drink with all of it plus my protein and water.
Bout to order some L-Glutamine, BCAAs and Dextrose from bulknutrients. Just wondering are they all used for PWO only? If they are then I'm just gonna make a PWO drink with all of it plus my protein and water.
L glutmaine is gomultiple times daily.. I wouldnt add protein pwo Just bcaa's and eaa's and maybe 10g of protein powder.
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