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see those things on the first plate

My fav snacks are carrots too. My eye sight is incredible LOL

But yes, no doubt I'm addicted to oats! (had the heat is on/bacon at lunch time but phone was dead. This is INCREDIBLE!)

hmmm *doubting Thomas face* ...

Just to try something different, I subbed quinoa flakes for my oats in my proats this morning and used roasted wattleseed instead of cinnamon.
WOW. Seriously. WOW.


200g Beef mince browned with Honey, soy and garlic

1 Choko ( vegtable) sauted with garlic

Handfull of button mushrrooms borwned with a balsamic vinigar glaze


Grilled Lamb cutlets

Baked pumpkim

Salad ( baby spinach leaves, beetroot, juliened brocoli stalks, carrots, Toped with home made olive oil and a honey vanila infused balsamic viginar)

THIS....has made me hungry. Thankgod it's lunch time lol

Habanero salsa......SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!!!!

yeah, I met the guy who makes them at my local organic shop. He's from California (and a PT) who missed authentic salsa so started making it with fresh ingredients and no crapola.

it's BRILLIANT. like jump up and down, do a happy dance, brilliant!

Think he only distributes in VIC right now but here's the details.

Richie's California Style Fresh Salsa

It's the best salsa I've had that I haven't had to make myself
CCM: I'll take a look in my fridge tomorrow but I've got this AWESOME habanero salsa. It's aussie and called crocodile or kangaroo something or other. Let you know tomorrow Or anyone else that isn't in Vic.

choc/cinnamon proats with PB&CO DCD & wasabi kit kat

chicken/PB heat is on omu-oats (instead of omurice) with veggies topped with sriracha

cottage cheese/ffgy banana sludge with frozen banana, all bran, pb & sf maple syrup
JZ: oooh please do!! I might be making my own this week as i've got 4 lovely habaneros off my hab bush plus 4 whopping huge lovely bhut jolokias I'm not sure what to do with ....
This Richie's one is great because it's all fresh ingredients, no preservatives etc. I actually add a little extra habanero LOL

hey if there are any serious chilli heads here ...I've got a bitchin' Inner Beauty Hot Sauce recipe that can be adapted to fit macros ... hellfire hot but fruity and fantastic with fish, chicken etc or anything
post it up! MASSIVE chilli fan.

The brand is crocodile bite and also no preservatives or anything in it. I just remembered you can actually get it from Woolies too.

1 Cup cooked rice sitfired with 150 G beef minced borwned with honey soy and galic
1 bag of stemed vegies


Slow cooked apricot chicken breast

No carbs left so morocan spiced cous cous is out of the question

Devoo as
apple/cinnamon/sultana proats with PB&CO CRS

chicken/veggies with katsudon sauce

dark choc proats with strawberries, PB&CO DCD, PB M&M's, cookies & cream pop tart & covered in shaved dark chocolate.
Diet at present

Current diet:

3 egg whites, 1 yolk
1 slice low fat cheese
bowl of oatmeal - low fat milk
Whey in Low fat milk

Morning Tea
tuna in tin
tablespoon low fat mayo
lettuce and tomato

200g Chicken breast
1 Baked potato
Salad with Olive oil dressing
1 Orange

Afternoon Tea
Sandwich with chicken breast
2 slices low fat cheese and tomato
1 cup of jalna

300g steak
Protein powder
brown rice
Salad and/or vegetables

Cottage cheese
Green tea
10 almonds

Is about 2500 calories. Let me know what you guys think... Do I need to change/add anything?
probably best to start a new thread You will need to state current stats, goals & macros for anyone to be able to give any decent advice.
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