Now the creepy old dudes come out.
Increases the risk of hardening of the arteries, also known as atherosclerosis. Granted this side effect won't manifest itself to you immediately (say) like hypertension, however with time and prolonged use (due to being under the impression that Oxandrolone is "safe"), will/or may lead to the condition I've i know this is the safest steroid. what side effect do you think it may give?
Legally it's nearly (if not more) than **** per one bottle. I'm talking about 10 years ago. It was the most expensive anabolic steroid I knew of, as it is strictly made and prescribed for three types of people in our society:i understand the adv and disadv, and anyway i am ready for this try. i've read a lot of info about anavar, this will be the best option. the only problem is poor availability. have checked a lot of sources and as i can see it is very hard to find it.
Legally it's nearly (if not more) than **** per one bottle. I'm talking about 10 years ago. It was the most expensive anabolic steroid I knew of, as it is strictly made and prescribed for three types of people in our society:
1. Short children
2. Aids victims
3. Burn victims
The last condition of the three ailments above indicates that Oxandrolone excels in cell regeneration. But then again, so does plenty of egg yolks consumed during a building up period. Egg yolks are unique not just for their first class protein source, but also because of their cholesterol, a substrate that goes a long way to positively build and reinforce the cell's integrity/cell wall if you like. Without cholesterol we would simply disintegrate/fall apart. Come to think of it, steroids are made from cholesterol, hence butter and egg yolk and such are magnificent muscle building foods.
I understand you said that you've done your research, and I wish you all the very best whichever direction you choose for yourself. Now I don't know your age, but did you realise that females get prescribed one of the best and most popular anabolic steroid there is? The reason for the prescription is osteoporosis. That drug is non other than the highly anabolic Deca-durabolin, an old school drug if you like, usually taken with a more androgenic drug like Dianabol back in the day.
I am certain. I am also certain that most all bodybuilders today, in the west (at least), are not using what they think they're using. Either you get it from the pharmacy here in Oz, or you get it from a pharmacy over the counter (no prescription) overseas. All else is a matter of degrees of how much of the original chemical compound is actually included within whatever it is that you're purchasing and putting into your body. Back in the day, 20mg to 30mg of Dianabol did it (and we're talking pro bodybuilders and elite weightlifters). Today I hear about people taking upward of 50mg of Dianabol. The human body (and most certainly our liver) has not changed in the span of 40 years, but most certainly the strength (and purity) claimed for a particular drug has definitely changed.are you sure it's so expensive? i've found it cheaper, and it is available
Proper pharma or ugl "pharma"?
could you please reword this for me? what is ugl?
ugl is short for "ugly"......, or under ground lab/s, which sometimes can be synonymous with being ugly.could you please reword this for me? what is ugl?
You're all going to Hell .......... especially when Goosey finds out.
Anything to do with Barry he's a pharmaI don't even know what the topic is.
what is pharma?
Pharma's drive tractors. Barry's a cattleman.Anything to do with Barry he's a pharma