The reason parole exists at all is not because Jimmy the scumbag was a good boy in prison, its a method the authorities use to maintain control and oversee the offender in the community.
The argument could be made that once a sentence is completed the state corrections departments have no ability to drug test/interview/insert themselves into the life of Jimmy, where the current system allows them to restrict travel/monitor and essentially breach Jimmy's parole for crimes that would usually not attract a term of imprisonment for a "regular" person.
Lawyers will rip to shreds most opinionated (and considered uneducated even though that persons role is report on Jimmy's behaviour and attitude while on parole) recommendations because Jimmy really is a good boy, has an ice habit and its not really his fault he went back to dealing/raping/pillaging because the "system" has let him down.
The courts eat this shit up and Jimmy usually walks away with stern words and yet another chance.
Of course, the jails being horribly overcrowded doesn't help either so the bureaucrats have to consider whether the one bed is better filled by the rapist, car thief or the drug dealer.
It is allegedly about how the community is best served but tell that to the subsequent victims family when old mate goes straight back to "work" as soon as they are released.