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New Training Program

Max trains everyday, Nick lifts 4-5 times a week, the strongest lift 3-6 days a week.

They didnt start like that, but they have adapted to the workload.

The powerclean is a tough one. I can teach it, but cant do it as well as some of my clients, I use my arms too much. If you have spent years doing heavy BB curls, it will be hard to exclude them from the lift, which you need to do.

I guess BB curls with 80kg werent that smart lol

There is a weightlifting club in QLD, I suggest getting lessons from a pro to be honest.

See if Fadi will come up and teach you.
Are you keen Fadi? hehe

I have left a message with a Strength and conditioning coach in Brisbane and I am waiting to hear back from him.

Even just a few pointers would be great. At the moment I am just getting used to the movements and won't be leaving the ground yet.
Thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread. I will be starting this program tonight.

I will have to start a gym journal and post my progress.

I have also lined up a strength and conditioning coach to help with my Powercleans and snatchs once a week on Saturday. I spoke to him today and he was stoked that someone wanted to learn this stuff just for recreation. He reckons I could just concentrate on my snatches, Powercleans, Deads, Squats and Overhead presses and my strength will improve out of sight very quickly.
Haha, I am an Accountant too. :confused:
I will do 1 warm up and 5 working sets.

How many times a week do the guys at PTC train each week? I am still thinking of doing a 4th day.

Now I don't know much about the Power Clean. I have only played around with them and watched a few vids on youtube and I can see there certainly is a technique required. Any tips?

Do as many warm up sets as you need. The idea is to be 100% for your work sets.

Here is an example of how I warmed up to by 120kg 5x5 on the bench 2 weeks ago.

Empty bar x 20
40kg x 15
60kg x 10
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
110kg x 2
120kg 5x5

So I took 6 warm up sets before I started my work sets. There is no limit to how long you can take.
Thanks Nick, I will take that on board.

I will play around with it. I don't have enough time to do that much warm up before each of my working sets but I will surely make sure I am ready to press what I am about to.

I was thinking, for example of doing this.


60kg x 10
100kg x 6
120kg x 5
130kg x 5
135kg x 5
140kg x 5
140kg x 5

I'll see how I go.
Thanks to everyone that has contributed to this thread. I will be starting this program tonight.

I will have to start a gym journal and post my progress.

I have also lined up a strength and conditioning coach to help with my Powercleans and snatchs once a week on Saturday. I spoke to him today and he was stoked that someone wanted to learn this stuff just for recreation. He reckons I could just concentrate on my snatches, Powercleans, Deads, Squats and Overhead presses and my strength will improve out of sight very quickly.

Hey Josh would you be able to hook me up with a contact for that coach at all. Was it the one at Chandler? The other one I contacted didn't seem all that keen on actually providing coaching.
Nah it is not at Chandler. It is actually a PT at my gym. He only works at the gym part time and does a lot of work training boxers for strength and he boxes himself. Apparently he specialises in the Oly Lifts. I will let you know how it goes on Saturday and I will send his number your way if you like.

Where in Brissy are you mate? I think I may have asked you before. haha
Well I am training at Goodlife at the Hyperdome.

This Saturday I am just going to meet with him and have a chat about what I want. I will be having a session once a week with him until he says my Power Clean and Snatch is good enough. I'll probably have a session on a Wednesday night at 8pm. You are welcome to come past and check it out if you like.
Are you keen Fadi? hehe

I have left a message with a Strength and conditioning coach in Brisbane and I am waiting to hear back from him.

Even just a few pointers would be great. At the moment I am just getting used to the movements and won't be leaving the ground yet.

Would love to help but it's a bit hard when I'm here in Sydney Josh. Something you've got to keep in mind is that the clean or power clean for that matter is broken down into several separate different exercises; each goes to help you improve your technique as well as your explosive power.

The clean/power clean is a very explosive movement. It's really best to break it into little segments starting with your grip.

1. Grabbing the bar the normal way is very detrimental on technique in my opinion. It's a weightlifting movement, so why not use a weightlifter's grip to start off with?

When I was learning how to fly, there was a maneuver that I had to learn that was called the stall maneuver. You place the plane’s nose up towards the sky and reduce the power to zero at the same time, causing the plane to stall (stop) in midair and then drop like a rock (for an average of 300ft). Now what do you think instinct would dictate in such a situation for us to do? Pull on the elevator column to try and get the nose up and apply full power; that’s what “logic” would dictate. But if we do that, the plane would go into a spiral which would make it very hard to recover from. I won’t go into the recovery procedure here but I mentioned this for the following reason...

If you were to grab the weightlifting bar “instinctively and logically”, you’d use the normal grip wouldn’t you? Of course you would. But that grip is not a weightlifting grip. A weightlifter uses the hook grip when attempting to clean or powerclean any weight off the ground; any weight.

You may see Olympic weightlifters use straps at times when performing some assistance exercises to the clean and these are heavy shrugs and heavy clean pulls. My best ever clean & jerk was 160kg whilst 140kg was my best ever power clean. So you can see there’s plenty of pulling power there and yet my arms and deltoids were nothing to write home about. In other words my arms were used as hooks (hook grip remember?) to attach my body to that bar and nothing more.

Coming back to the “logic/instinct” and the flying example I gave above, once you grab the bar with a “normal” grip, you automatically create a mind hand connection. That is something I as a former weightlifter worked to avoid (by using the hook grip) which helped with the disconnection of that mind hand messages. No matter how strong your grip is, the weight will beat you and you will start to bend your arms to compensate for the loss of that grip.

So far all I’ve been talking about was the grip and we haven’t even moved the weight an inch off the ground yet.

If you or others are interested in what I’m saying here let me know and I will continue with the different parts of the lift...

May be we’ll get all the parts later on and turn them into one thread on the how to perform a weightlifting clean/powerclean, with added videos of course for illustration purposes.

Fadi, I am very interested. If you have the time please, by all means keep on going.

I actually did a search here to see if there were any threads about the Power Clean and I found zero.

I don't mean this in a negative way, but do you think I will need the hook grip? I don't know if I will reach a level to where it is utilised? I always thought it was an advanced technique.
Fadi, I am very interested. If you have the time please, by all means keep on going.

I actually did a search here to see if there were any threads about the Power Clean and I found zero.

I don't mean this in a negative way, but do you think I will need the hook grip? I don't know if I will reach a level to where it is utilised? I always thought it was an advanced technique.

Josh, I was shown the hook grip the first second I placed my hand on a weightlifting bar back in December 1980. So I'm thinking to myself now all these years later; why would a coach introduce something "painful and uncomfortable" at a time of introducing a person to weightlifting. I mean you'd think from a psychological point of view that would somehow put that new lifter off. So obviously my former coach, Mr. Harry Wardle knew a thing or two of what was to come.

I'm at a loss to answer your question in all honesty Josh because I simply don't know of any other way. By all means, you can use the normal grip but please be aware, that your grip will play a role of being a weak link in a chain that will ultimately not help you achieve your real 1RM.

May be I'm taking this whole thing too seriously in wanting you to find out your true 1RM, may be I'm wrong in doing so. So I'll leave it to you to decide on what grip you want to use in your cleans. I've just read your reply to my thread "biofeedback and in the zone", the hook grip will go towards helping you enter that zone by eliminating the distraction that is the "normal grip". I'll stop here and again I'll say it's really up to you which road you want to take on his issue.

Fadi, i did not mean to discourage you at all and I would be very happy to learn the Power Clean and hook grip. I just thought I would ask the question.

I see what you are saying about the 1RM and I am willing to learn and put up with the pain if it means i can lift more. That is why I am asking these questions afterall.

I did not mean to shoot you down while you were on fire Fadi, I would be honored to receive some help from someone as distinguished as yourself. You're the expert, you know what I need to do.
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Fadi, i did not mean to discourage you at all and I would be very happy to learn the Power Clean and hook grip. I just thought I would ask the question.

I see what you are saying about the 1RM and I am willing to learn and put up with the pain if it means i can lift more. That is why I am asking these questions afterall.

I did not mean to shoot you down while you were on fire Fadi, I would be honored to receive some help from someone as distinguished as yourself.

Josh, you did not discourage me or shoot me down my friend, not at all; really!

I always thought it was an advanced technique.
And I have always thought very highly of you and that you belonged to that advanced group of lifters Josh.

Thank you for your compliments my friend; you've always been respectful and I thank you and very much do appreciate your high demeanour.

If you ever get a chance to do a write up on the Power Clean Fadi, I would be VERY interested.
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