Good and bad. I had already been on cycle for several months and I could hear my body calling me to jump off the gear and even have a break from training, but back then I was one stubborn kunt and I said i'm not backing off no matter what and i'll do whatever takes so I can keep on making gains, if I'm not gaining then i'd rather be dead, that kind of mindset.
Anyway its the combination of different compounds which I think fucked me up, like I may have started with test/deca/dbol for a couple of months, then threw in primo and eq on top of this for another month, then threw in anadrol and stana as well, so I end up running up to 8 different steroids and the body is like "what the fuck is going on with me, you keep giving me all these exogenous hormones and your throwing my chemistry out of wack". You don't just fuck your testicles with gear, you fuck your t3 and t4 levels, you fuck your blood sugar levels, your pancreas gets fucked too, your dopamine and serotonin get fucked as well, not too mention your cholesterol, blood pressure, kidneys, liver, rbc's, prostate etc etc.
My muscle memory now is fantastic, I blow up like a fucken CLOWN its that good!! Like I think I changed my whole skeletal layout and its bigger and stronger now, like my bone structure has grown.