Standard kunce
MY fuckin Protectionist
MY fuckin Protectionist
The fav ran last.
Did he die?
Picked the trifecta! Couldn't believe it!
Shit that I only put $4 on it. Such a poor kunce.
Still I walked away with more than I put in, so thats good enough for me.
Enough to buy another kg of Protein.
Hey kunce, I have an idea, why don't you shut the fuck up?!
Lol at all the morons calling for the banning of horse racing because a horse died.
Do they realise that most race horses will be dog food if horse racing is banned.
I wonder how many of these idiots drive cars still when no doubt they have run over their fair share of animals.
There are clowns in everyday life and this just proves it......
Racing industry is a multimillion dollar industry creating thousands of jobs and they get 40 protestors show up wanting to ban whips in racing (which are necessary) and jumps racing and blah blah blah.
Sick of all these dogooders who have no idea getting so much publicity....