Good discussion
Firstly a muscle doesn’t know whether it’s a barbell, dumbbell. Kettlebell or machine.
but if exercise doesn’t meet the 10 requirement s for proper exercise an injury is inevitable, that is a guarantee.
Thinking about this...I reckon the machine came about because barbells have their limitations and in some cases caused injuries.
I always prefer free weights.
Though if i'm injured or think i'm verging on an injury then sometimes i'll switch to machines, they work great for rehabilitation.
I highly doubt this. So you would seriously give up weights and barbells for some crappie machine that takes up a whole room and exercises your biceps.
Seems like a very inefficient way of doing things.
Lets say we both have 2K to spend on Gym Equipment, I go and buy a barbell, some plates a bench and squat stands. You get to spend your 2K buying one machine if you are lucky to get one for 2K.
I wonder who will be able to train more and achieve better results out of their 2K investment in fitness equipment??![]()
I had a lot of fun with my home gym when i last lived in Aussie,prefer training at home anyway but every now and then id pay a casual to go to the gym and hit some machines just for variety.I think you get a lot more done with a basic set up at home compared to having to go to a commercial gym and fight for equipment when its packed.
That is a completely different argument and scenario the question posed which was "What are the best machines to use for building muscle"
Plus i would almost guarantee that there is no BBer out there for the past 60yrs who has solely relied on a Barbell, Bench an a squat rack.
So my statement pretty much stands.
Rehabilitation is probably not a bad way to use them. I do own some pieces of gym equipment that would be considered machines (lat pulldown, seated row, incline leg press, PecDec) however I only use them for assistance exercises, my chest workout is not based around a PecDec, it's based on benching a barbell, followed by a Pec Dec, but really I could quite happily live without the PecDec, I bought it cheap off gumtree and I have the space so why not, if I was living in suburbia with limited space the pecdec would go back on gumtree.
logic says to increase the strength of a muscle throughly throughout the muscles full range of motion, which is what barbells can’t do.
The best machines to build muscles for you, are the best machines to use.what are the best machines to use for biulding muscle
it is funny to hear the gospel truth about training from some on this site.
yes, I prefer full range too, but have a look at the many half movements that the current mr Olympia employs.
again, there are often no rules about weight training success.
DID yo not understand my point, pretty obvious. bb success can come from partial or full movements. Arnold also wrote about importance of partial movements for certain exercises.