Thanks very much everyone for these replies - they've helped my mood a lot!
... was wondering why you stopped your log, figured was for the same reason as me, CBF.
Well, I was just slowing down for winter, really (my "gym' is out in my back yard). I thought that once this bloody arctic freeze goes away, I'll get right back into it ...
... stop drinking and lose weight is all he fuken tells me ...
Mine too - he's been trying to find something wrong with my liver for years.
... sports people or lifting specifically may be able to give you a much better idea of what the reality of it is, and maybe (hopefully) a less grim diagnosis and/or possible treatments. No need to walk into oncoming traffic as yet...
Yeah, I was pretty depressed for a few days there. Thought about necking myself, but, well, I've already done that, haven't I?
My husband went through this at the end of last year. He got injections in his neck which relieved the pain. His did the Maxs challenge in feb for 3 months and did minimal overhead upper body but he held up.
That's really encouraging! Power to him!
I shattered my L4/L5 disc playing footy. Neurosurgeon had to go in an extract the disc fragments picked up by an MRI.
I had the sciatica pain down my right leg. To be honest since weight training my back pain is now near on non existent in everyday activities
Very nasty. It must have been a pretty gruesome operation too. How long ago was that?
I wouldn't be so quick to hang the towel yet though. Def go for a second opinion. A specialist (like an osteopath) can give far better advice than a 'general' practitioner. ... I got the same warning from my GP, no lifting it'll make it worse blah blah blah. Fuk that, instead I did mackenzie stretches a coupla times a week, corrected my posture big time and then started lifting again (light) within a week, and worked back up from there. It's 4 months now since the niggles began and I've got tricep strength back. Pain is highly subjective though ...
I'll check out these Mackenzie stretches. My GP said I might go to a chiropracter - I think I'll do that too.
yes, I hope news gets better for you and some better option emerges to address your situation.
Ideally ... Sadly ...
Without good musculature, a mild structural issue will inevitably deteriorate into a severe structural issue some time later.
A lot of the decision making depends on how much pain/discomfort you are willing to tolerate versus being pain free but still facing the same or worse outcome later on.
Yes, well the important bit of information that I couldn't get out of my doctor (maybe he didn't understand my question, or maybe he thought I was just asking too may questions) is: If I do something, and it hurts, is that actually causing more and worse damage, or is it OK if I can manage to push through the pain?
TBH, pain hasn't been too bad at all so far - I'm more afraid of what it indicates.