They are paying for it, only seems fair they get a copy of what they are paying for.
The NMI should release the data to the public not bulk nutrients, if bulk nutrients release the data they can be up for lawsuits against them for publicly degrading/defaming another product or brand. However if the NMI release the results that's a different story.
At the same time say you personally send in XYZ brand to be tested by the NMI and it comes back say 30% under the label claims, well that said brand could then say
"you did something to the protein" and they can send off their own batch to the NMI for testing and it will come back and meet label claims maybe even +/- 1% (so it is within range).
The whole point of this is proving the truth however the truth is every single brand you guys get tested that company can still claim you personally altered the sample.
(We all know you didn't alter it) but that's what they can say.
Hopefully instead of a naming and shaming the dodgy ones get scared and shut up shop or they pull their production into line and meet label claims.
What bulk nutrients is doing is great for the protein industry they are not the enemy in this however one could view this also as massively increasing their sales from this, since now they hold a larger amount of consumer trust.
I view it from this point of view.
Bulk nutrients have their operational costs they view these costs and break it down to a perspective of:
We need to sell the average tub of protein for $xxx to keep the lights turned on, pay the staff and pay the bills. Then when joe blow protein comes along and says hey everyone we are 30-50% cheaper than other companies (being sure not to mention bulk nutrients name when they make that claim).
Bulk nutrients then think wait a minute how the fuck can they afford to sell it at that price and then right here in all the latest tests is your answer. They cannot sell the same product or percentage of protein, pay their bills, staff etc unless someone is sleeping within someone in fonterra and getting some amazing deal that massive companies like Bulk Nutrients are not getting per kg.
So as to your question of results:
Bulk Nutrients cannot make the results public since that will be defamation of another brand and bring about law suits, bulk nutrients will have NMI data supporting them that xyz brand is 0-30% less than label claim. However xyz brand will also have NMI data stating that their protein meets label claims.
Round and round we go.
The additional problem to this:
Bulk nutrients and sister/attached company bioflex have always been about selling as price effective as possible direct to the consumer....the problem with this is there isn't much support for either brand in supplement retail outlets. Since most other supplement companies for instance will either not sell direct to the public or they will sell a tub for $250 to the consumer forcing the consumer to buy from the retail outlets for $130, if the retail store price is no different or slightly different from bioflex there is little margin and consumers are also left with many choices post purchase e.g.
(next time should i buy direct from bioflex) or
(next time should i buy from bulk nutrients even cheaper than bioflex) stores wont want to stock it for this very reason. A wholesaler cannot sell at the same price or cheaper than retail stores, cause the retailers just wont want to stock it.
You have consumer demand and you also have retail store profit margins, if there is little to no margin in comparison to other protein brands it wont be stocked. eg 1 guy walks in
"hey mate i need protein" you sell him bioflex with a $10 profit on it and may also lose future purchases to bulk nutrients or bioflex online stores or a $20 profit margin with a different brand that can only be obtained from retail outlets (or even if the margins are the same you may not retain the customer)....The store owners have bills to pay and families to feed too. So this is why not many stores stock bioflex and the whole time a very small number of stores that are selling bioflex they are getting rapped with the bulk nutrient online prices.
The consumer wins if they are aware they can buy it from bulk nutrients online but all stores lose so they will always always always sell an alternative brand. (i will have the figures wrong on profit margins that was only an example)
within 200km of Syndey CBD there is 10 retail stores selling biofelx
within 200km of Melbourne CBD there is 8 retail stores selling biofelx
If you have been to either City or live within 200km of either city you will know there is a shit load of supplement stores and gym stores and if they sell bioflex they risk losing the consumer to bioflex online or even cheaper bulk nutrients online which are both the same company.
Great for consumers, bad for stores and the stores are the majority in this game telling consumers what to take. As for my allegiance i couldn't give a toss we sell shit all protein per year, it costs a fortune to ship it and there has been times when we have lost money on orders because of shipping.
If i was a consumer....well actually i am a consumer since i drink the stuff too i would buy bulk nutrients based on price, but since we get wholesale protein i use international protein and i like the way it tastes, mixes, doesn't bloat etc, i also feel it's retail price although might be high to some of you is justified, good aussie company supporting not only itself but also small business's. I do not feel bioflex/bulk nutrients support small business.
However if you want cheap high quality protein buy from them.
It's sad to say it but we even as a retail outlet cannot match what prices they sell at, however we do trust in what we sell to be of high quality.
Maybe one day bulk nutrients/bioflex will gain a lot more support if they supported local business's and stopped selling direct to the public. Something you may not want to hear as a consumer but be it the truth.
What will happen from here.....well the internet is small compared to local supplement shops so nothing will change some people will think i need protein and drive 5min around the corner and pick up a tub, some will think i need to save $5 im going to order from bulk nutrients.
Round and round we go......flame away, love you all