Hey thanks guys for the support, I am as such a blank canvas
and when I say 5kg I mean those little dumbbells one in each
I do know that I can do 7.5kg at a 3x10 if not tired
If you can do 3x10 with 7.5kg dumbells start on 10kg and see if you can get at least one set of 8 or 7 and then max out the other sets and write down what you did, then improve next work out by doing may be just one extra rep till you can do 3 sets of 8, then move on to 12.5kg straight away on your next workout.
Have another look at the beginners program, only do sets of eight for most exercises, you should really be fighting to lift the bar, if you can complete 3 sets of 8 with a certain weight, it's time to add weight to the bar, if you can go to 10 reps you should have added weight to the bar a while back.
Realistically there is no way you should be able to lift what ever weight you are lifting 10 times, if you can it's too light. You need to push yourself, write down the weight and reps you have done and look back on it.
If you can complete 3 sets of eight add some weight, then you might only get a set of 8, a set of 7 and a set of 5....keep that weight and make sure you really try to get the extra reps, so you next session may be 8, 7, 7, etc keep going till you hit, 8, 8, 8 and that add weight to the next session, and so on.
Hope that makes sense.
I am on the beginners program as well, and I am a returning trainer, made many mistakes over the years and wish I had the advise that is here 20 years ago, would have saved me many many wasted training sessions.
Start a training log on here and log your workouts.
May be have a look at my training log (even though I am no expert by a long shot and have learned a LOT in my short time here), but it should give you an idea with what I am talking about.
You do not really need a PT to follow this routine, learn the exercises and follow the plan, you will see huge gains in no time, I am in my 40's and have seen great gains in a short time since I started this routine, and have added decent amount of weight to my lifts.