sorry but alot of the practices of islam are pretty barbaric. people murdering their children for marry the wrong person etc
No brother, what you have mentioned is foreign to Islam, 100% foreign to Islam, and I ask you to please trust me on one thing and that is if I was not 100% aware of what I'm discussing with you here then I wouldn't discuss it. I've got five girls of my own, I can assure you I won't be murdering any of them any time soon for whatever reason, and I do mean for whatever reason!
Unfortunately many Muslims world wide tend to mix Islam with their own culture, or mistaken a custom for Islam. Islam is a way of life, and is not based on some Lebanese Pakistani Australian French Chinese, or whichever country's culture Islam finds itself in. I'm really not into preaching about Islam brother, but if I do see something that is ascribed to Islam which I know is not right, I do point it out. I trust you would expect nothing less of me.
Man, if I was to believe half the stuff that is blasted against this most misunderstood of world religions, I would have converted to atheism long time ago! May I suggest you check (do some research if at all interested) and verify for yourself regarding anything you hear about Islam that sounds unreasonable to you please Genics.
most muslim practices belong in the dark ages not the modern world
And I would be the first Muslim to agree with you on that Sir! I say that because I know the difference between what is Islam and what is an action of a Muslim. I mean look at what the Taliban have done in Afghanistan. Let's take one example and put it under the Islamic microscope so to speak okay. Notice I said Islamic and
not Muslim. No education for girls. Huh, come again, I didn't quite hear you there my (ignorant) Muslim brother. Even a Muslim child knows that the messenger of God had said seek knowledge even if it's in China. Of course he was in what is known as Saudi Arabia at the time he said that. Education and the seeking of knowledge is prescribed for every Muslim, both to males and females equally brother.
Look, my eldest daughter who is 21 now, reached one of the highest positions at the state level in her HSC atar mark in NSW...and is on her way to becoming an English professor, which makes me extremely proud as a dad. Perhaps you need to talk to my girls and get the info on Islam directly from the "horse's mouth" so to speak.
Brother please note; I am
not here to sell Islam to you or make it sound all attractive ok. If you wish to believe that Islam is some barbaric religion with barbaric practices, then so be it. I won't try to persuade you otherwise, or have you change your stance and / or ideas from what you have already made up your mind upon.
I hated it when Muslims used to knock on my door and say hey brother, oh you're going to the gym, come on let's go to the mosque instead and pray,.... blah blah blah blah.....!
Each to his and her own I say, as long as it's live and let live.
Take care brother and bye for now...