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Jihadist Khaled Sharroufs son holds severed head

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how is it racist to think a minority group of people are pieces of shit? the terrorists and their sympathisers.

pretty sure there is an element of every race i dislike.

nothing racist about the cops kicking some ****s door in who wants to behead people, not like if he was white people would be saying on you go mate!
@Grunta; Respect for asking a rational and considered question - I think I am getting carpal tunnel from all this so I'll be brief

cannot see reason in some of your comments.-Offensive to which members?

There are Muslim members here. Some of what has been said is offensive to them.

- you state these loons would conduct these acts under a different religion?

I'm saying that these behaviours are not unique to Islamic faith, and even if Islam never existed these people (extremists) would in all likelihood still be carrying on with this rubbish.

- why do they join extreme groups? Hint, grand father, father, mother, brother.

Social marginalisation, disenfranchisement, persecution, maybe Dad didn't take to them to the footy as a youngster. A question too complicated to answer of an internet chat board. There are no shortage of anthropological papers on the subject. I will not link to any because people will take excerpts from them, blow them out of context and twist them to reinforce their own perspectives which are in stark contrast to the Authors;
but I would encourage people to do some reading on it from quality academic sources - this does not include Facebook, any of Newscorp's entities or other similar sources.

- how do we discourage? Like any other crime, punishment

This is certainly part of it. Social inclusion, economics, military strategy - like I said above it will take a multi-faceted approach and time. The domestic and international aspects will require different strategies. This is a job for social policy experts and governments to decide.

We cannot be afraid to call a spade a spade and shovel a shovel.
I agree. The problem is that people are calling a spade a shovel.

There is no question that we are all on the same page regarding how we view the actions of these people, and what we would like to see result. The problem is just that some people appear to be tarring all Muslims with the same brush (including Ausbb brothers), and citing rhetoric that's designed just to get a reaction. Put your views forward by all means but in a way that's constructive and not offensive to others - otherwise what's the point? Arguing just for the sake of arguing? Who can be bothered...

- why do they join extreme groups? Hint, grand father, father, mother, brother.
- how do we discourage? Like any other crime, punishment

For those who are interested, and at the risk of providing some people with more information to twist to suit themselves the following essay provides some insight into the questions above:

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/re...lism taspinar/summer_fall_radicalism_taspinar


'The SAIS Review is a journal of international affairs published twice yearly by the Johns Hopkins University Press for the Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy Institute of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington, D.C. The editor welcomes articles, book reviews, and correspondence from policymakers, scholars, and other interested persons. The SAIS Review makes no effort to exact an editorial consensus'.
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why are people obssesed about being offended, need to get some thicker skin. to many fuck whits are hyper sensitive because we have allowed them to be. in many cases they really need to shut the fuck up.

unless you insult my family your not going to insult me. can shit on my job, where i come from, what i look like, my colour.. and i get this all the time at work, especially for having a scottish accent. i couldnt give a fuck as these people are nothing to me.

someone the other side of the world made a video that apparantly insults islamd and they riot on the streets of sydney? just seems like an excuse to act like a ****, should be 0 tolerance for that crap
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I've noticed that you've made one single exception to the standards you hold above. Why?
[MENTION=17457]Repacked[/MENTION] ;
I can see what you're saying, however this comment right here below is where I think you just cannot bring yourself to call a spade a spade.
This crusade is in the name of Islam and Islam only, these loons really believe that their god expect this of them and it is a justifiable act, without the religious beliefs I don't think there would be a driver for this war.

'I'm saying that these behaviours are not unique to Islamic faith, and even if Islam never existed these people (extremists) would in all likelihood still be carrying on with this rubbish.'
I've noticed that you've made one single exception to the standards you hold above. Why?

its only a minor exception and would have to be to her face. i then wouldnt and go and complain about society in general for one persons comments. they would get a sore face and that would be the end of it.
[MENTION=12395]Grunta[/MENTION]; I see what you mean but it's not that I can't bring myself to call a spade a spade, I just don't think it's that simple. Yes these people might say they are doing this in the name of their God and that may be their warped and extremist perception but it doesn't make it a fact. Consider some of the atrocities committed by fundamental Christians in the name of god - sensible people would hear them say that's why they did it and scoff at their reasoning. It is an excuse. It is also a key recruiting tool used by this group to pressure vulnerable and susceptible people. my point was that people who, for whatever reason, are drawn to or compelled to carry out these acts would likely be doing it with or without religion. Unfortunately in this instance they use religion to provide them with some sort of perceived justification or moral authority to their actions. The irony is nothing could be farther from the truth.
if these people are commiting these acts under the guise of islam, shoudnt real muslims be putting a stop to what is being done in their name?

if someone was going round doing this shit in the name of australia, pretty sure we would put a quick stop to it
its only a minor exception and would have to be to her face. i then wouldnt and go and complain about society in general for one persons comments. they would get a sore face and that would be the end of it.
Huh, you have totally lost me there Genics! What are you talking about? I asked you a simple question, albeit without spelling out who that one exception was, but your reply to me indicates that you have totally misunderstood my question. Would you like me to spell out the obvious Sir, or would you prefer to re read what you wrote in post #305, which prompted me to question you in post #306?

@Fadi ; do you honestly condone how hyper senstive some muslims are and how anything seems to offend them?
I can not speak for other Muslims Genics, but I do know the difference between an emotional mind and a rational one. And most often people react instead of respond when they feel they've been wronged or not heard. I also know what it means to look at the micro level, and how the whole story could change when the macro level is examined and put under the spot light.

So to answer your question directly, I neither condone nor do I condemn. I take each case by case basis and examine it thoroughly before passing my judgment onto it. A good example and a case in point is what has occurred couple of nights ago with the night raid on few Muslims' homes. Everybody (including unfortunately) the talk back radio stations, everyone's talking and acting as if they have all the facts before them, when the opposite is true. So as a proud Australian citizen, having full trust in our judicial system, I reserve whatever comment I have, be it towards the NSW Police force, or the people whose homes were raided, until the courts have dealt thoroughly with the matter.Unfortunately we have haters on both sides beating their chest and taking the law into their own hands committing some vigilante acts. Today we had someone call 2UE talk back radio and speak to Justin Smith regarding some people in a blue car throwing a brick at him and calling him an effin Christian, simply because he had a cross dangling from his rear view mirror. The night preceding this incident, mosques were graffitied with some undesirable language.

What we need is clam heads, not the fuel of irrationality and ignorance Genics. Most people who talk about Islam wouldn't even know what the word Islam meant or whether Islam is a religion in the sense they understand Christianity to be a religion. Where do I start?! Ignorance is rampant on both sides of the fence, and ignorance is nothing more than a fuel for hatred that is founded on nothing but fear, fear of the unknown. I gave you the opportunity to talk to me before but you did not take it up. I am a Muslim, a practicing Muslim. You can either go to Dr. Google or Mr Wiki, or some talk back radio or some newspaper to get your information on Islam, or you can talk to a real Muslim about matters that are of concern to you. So if you wish to be mature about it and have a mature man to man discussion with me on the subject, we’ll go ahead. Rudeness and disrespect only serves to drive me away, and the losers are both of us whenever that happens.

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@Grunta ; All I am saying is that it's a complicated problem of social disenfranchisement and radicalism,

No, it's not.

people in this thread who are reducing this incredibly complex social issue to a case of Muslims vs the western world

No they're not. The muslim terrorists groups are doing that. They have stated that very clearly on many occasions. It's "us and them" and it aint gonna be over until all of the "thems" are dead. And is this not exactly what ISIL are dong right now? Correct me if I am wrong (and apologies in advance if I am) but does not the Quaran/Koran say just that or something similar?

Well then, stop it.

In regards to your statement that religion is why, this is happening - religion is being used as an excuse by fundamental extremists. These people would likely be doing the same thing under another guise if they weren't Muslim.

Horse shit. The terrorist groups have made it abundantly clear that they are doing this all in the name of Islam. To suggest otherwise is wishful thinking, hypothetical and horsey poop.

It should be acknowledged that the people arrested and charged yesterday had links to Isis overseas and should not be referred to as members of the non-radicalised Muslim majority. They are representative of Isis radicals not Muslims perse.

OK. Good point, but what are the "silent majority" doing about it? In Sydney they all went out to protest a legitimate police action based on real threats, in effect claiming these radicals as there own. If I may be so bold as to offer a bit of hyperbole here: even among the Nazis there were "good" people, but at some stage, the good was overwhelmed by the actions of a few.

You might want to give this a poke:


...reactionary behaviour will only give their cause perceived legitimacy and perpetuate the situation.

Nope. Condoning them by remaining the "silent majority" muslims will perpetuate the situation. Kicking up a fuss will polarise the situation and get it solved, as much as we are able.

I know every argument that the three pillars of idiocy will bring up after this post, nit-picking and once again making no contribution to the argument.

See, this is a problem. You are being mean and I am all tearing up cos you are calling people names, which is not nice, not constructive and indicative of a point of view that is contrary to all logic, common sense and decency. Maybe what you meant was that we should all just agree with you. Sorry. Not gonna happen.

My point is it is an issue which will take a multi-faceted approach to solve - social, economic and military and will take significant time to do so.

You are probably right. But condoning the actions of the radicals when the "other" muslims do not condemn them, loudly, clearly, internationally and forcefully does not help the situation at all, but perpetuates their actions, lionising them if you will.

To over simplify the situation is inherently risky and to post some of the crap that has been posted in this thread is irresponsible.

I totally agree with you. So stop it.
i honestly fail to see how protesting the arrest of terrorists will make every day austrailans open their arms and accept muslims as a peacefull part of australian life...

anyone else?
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