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Jihadist Khaled Sharroufs son holds severed head

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was actually the SS who were responsible for the final solution, mainly the Einsatzgruppen and the SS-Totenkopfverbane (the deaths head)

Wermacht encompasses whole armed forces. Let's not nit pick. We all have Wikipedia.
but it's attitudes like this that saw people joining the Wermacht in 1942-45 to combat the Jewish 'problem'.
View attachment 10336

Don't think so. If you change Wermacht to possibly Nazi Party or more likely the then SA and take a decade or so off 1942-45 to circa late 1920's, you might be a bit closer.

Interesting though, with the rise of Nazism (it did not happen overnight) history has condemned many for not standing up to them, but rather try to appease them, before it got out of hand (ie. WW2). Is this a parallel to out modern times ??
Yeah I think we are all bit more informed than people were in the 40's....

you would certainly hope so. what with all the information available to people, you would think it would be harder to be brain washed..but they still seem to manage to some extent
Yeah I think we are all bit more informed than people were in the 40's....

We have no excuse not to be.

you would certainly hope so. what with all the information available to people, you would think it would be harder to be brain washed..but they still seem to manage to some extent

Unfortunately it is a double edged sword. The exponentially larger amount of information available brings with it a proportional amount of misinformation. 90% of the media circulated is not objective, and is in reality irresponsibly biased. But - hysteria and hatred sells, and that's the aim of their game.
you can see how it happens though, lets say these sick fucks started beheading australians on a regular basis..obviously going to be some pretty nazi style measures brought against them in the end and doubt anyone would object too much.

its funny though, if you decided to arm yourself and carry a blade incase some bearded **** tried to abduct you with the plan to cut your head off..and you carved that piece of shit to pieces..be you in trouble lol
Yeah I think we are all bit more informed than people were in the 40's....

Sure, but popularist ideology is extensively used by politicians all over the world today including Australia (Rudd was a master). Take a disenchanted people, tell them what they want to hear, show them the way and/or give them the tools to achieve. Throw a bit of violence in there to keep any opposition quiet (or provoke the opposition giving you an excuse to hit them harder). Build up momentum and it becomes herd mentality. After a while, people join in because that becomes the norm.

Add to this the Machiavellian principle that it is much more secure to be feared than loved.
I'd say there is as much chance of a hate crime being committed against an innocent Muslim by reactionary Australians as there is of a hate crime being committed by Isis extremists.

Yes, but only one would hack off your head. Pick which one. Go on. Give it a go. Pick one.
Muslim Student Challenges Jewish Professor, He Shuts Her Up On The Spot

this is interesting, goes back to what we were saying about every day muslims actually supporting the extremists

I work with a Muslim and consider him a friend, even if I don't share his beliefs. Loves to dawah (preach) me on my christian beliefs which is fine as I'm always up for a bit of friendly debate. Now as much as I admire his enthusiasm, what makes me do a 'what in the crikey did he just say?' mental somersault is how much he loathes Jews every time the subject comes up. Says that god will punish and torture them for all eternity, that they're responsible for 9/11, and that Hitler saved a few Jews so the world can see how wicked they are. Even sends me verses from the qu'ran purporting that (which it doesn't really, unless you read between the lines and scrape all the ink and paper off). Apart from that he is a great guy and makes the tastiest bbq lamb and biryani.
I work with a Muslim and consider him a friend, even if I don't share his beliefs. Loves to dawah (preach) me on my christian beliefs which is fine as I'm always up for a bit of friendly debate. Now as much as I admire his enthusiasm, what makes me do a 'what in the crikey did he just say?' mental somersault is how much he loathes Jews every time the subject comes up. Says that god will punish and torture them for all eternity, that they're responsible for 9/11, and that Hitler saved a few Jews so the world can see how wicked they are. Even sends me verses from the qu'ran purporting that (which it doesn't really, unless you read between the lines and scrape all the ink and paper off). Apart from that he is a great guy and makes the tastiest bbq lamb and biryani.

Spare this man for his bbqing abilities :P

The jews have copped a lot of shit in history.

If you were a religious person, you could say its karma for killing the son of god.
Just saw this on facebook;

The Quran and killing:
Firstly it’s important to understand that when Islam talks of peace, what they mean is an absence of resistance to Islam itself, Sharia law and their quest for world domination. Peace to them is an Islamic world with all who resist it removed.

The Quran contains 109 verses calling Muslims to violence and to kill for the sake of Islam. Unlike the Old Testament of the Bible, these verses are all “open ended” in the sense that they are not limited to the historical context. They therefore apply today just as in the past and personal choice becomes the applicator.

Throughout the Quran there are very few verses offering love or forgiveness. The balance swings heavily in favour of forced capitulation to Islam through persuasion or humiliation, or be killed.

Here are just a few of the 109 verses calling for violence against those who resist Islam:

●Quran 2:191 “Kill them wherever you find them. Disbelief is worse than killing. If they desist, Allah is merciful and forgiving. Fight them until there is no disbelief in Allah alone.”

●Quran 5:33 “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger, and those who make mischief in the land is that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands or feet should be cut off on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned.”

●Quran 8:12 “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. Behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Quran.

●Quran 9:123 “O you who believe, fight those of the unbelievers and let them find in you hardness.”

●Hadith: Bukhari 52:65 “Allah’s apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”

●Sura chapter 47: When you meet the unbeliever in the battlefield, strike off their heads until you have crushed them completely; then bind the prisoners tightly.”

There is a common denominator running through these organisations: ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah P.A and others. It is Islam, but more than that it is the Quran. Through this book, there is eternal hatred for the Jews, Christians and the Western nations. The religion of Islam is jihad, hatred, murder, death and destruction.

The ignorant and ill-informed even of Islam, talk of Islam being a religion of peace!

It is the moderate Muslims who are way out of step with the Quran. This is why ISIS is systematically murdering nominal Muslims.

Essentially, Islam believes that Moses and the children of Israel failed to set up the religion of Islam and corrupted the revelation of God, so God ditched them and moved on to Jesus, the prophets and the Christians. They also failed to form the Muslim religion, so God ditched them. According to Islam Muhammad was the true one and did set up the Muslim religion. They believe that they are the final work of Allah in the world.

Muslims believe in Jesus, but not in the saving work of His death on a cross, and resurrection.
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Thinking of setting up a pork kebab caravan on the Hume in the northern suburbs of Melb, free country and all that, what could go wrong?
maybe they just need a taste of their own medicine...kick the door in..drag them naked into the street..have them recite a couple versus of the bible on their knees and put one in the back of their heads. done. could you imagine? lol
maybe they just need a taste of their own medicine...kick the door in..drag them naked into the street..have them recite a couple versus of the bible on their knees and put one in the back of their heads. done. could you imagine? lol
Is that what you want to do, or are you suggesting someone else does it, or are you in favour of someone else doing what you have written above? Please clarify exactly what it is that you mean by what you have just written? I wouldn't want to accuse you of anything you didn't say or mean, nor would I want to jump to conclusions of what type of person I'm dealing with here. So an opportunity has been afforded to you to make clear your stance on the words that you have written above.

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