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Increase your Squat weights instantly!


Force Dissipation

Ah, here we go again, another empty promise for the day; so what’s new?! Well let me assure you fellow iron warriors, the promise I’m making here is not another one of those empty magazine promises, where if you just take this or that pill, or follow such and such a program, you’d turn into a superman or wonder woman overnight. This here is the real deal.

This short article of mine is not about that Russian or Bulgarian squat program, nor is it about squat technique as such. This article is about what you’ve got underneath your feet…your shoes!

I’m willing to take a guess that at least 99.9% of everyone reading these words is wearing the wrong shoes when it comes to that almighty exercise we discuss so much on public forums. Yes, it’s the king of leg strength exercises we come to love and respect; his name is King Squat!

Now we all want to feel comfortable and secure, that goes for our feet also. We go shopping and we spend a hefty sum of money on the most comfortable shoes we could find, or could afford at the time. Usually these shoes are great looking and mighty comfy. They have some of the best shock-absorbing materials you could ever find. The feeling one gets from such a comfortable shoes is as if one is walking on air. After all, who wants to damage their feet walking or running on hard surfaces? Not me that’s for sure.

But hang on a minute; we’re talking about squatting with some heavy duty weights here, not running or walking…SQUATTING!

I won’t be using two yards long words here to try and impress you with some science etc. When was the last time you saw a sprinter wearing weightlifting shoes and racing with them? The sprinter’s shoes have spikes on the front portion where the feet make contact with the ground as the sprinter is bursting through like a bullet. Shoes that fit the occasion beautifully.

Now for the fun bit: Force Dissipation.

Now imagine this with me if you will. You sitting on the floor with your legs half extended forward (as in a half-squat position). You’re placing your feet against a heavy object which you intend to push forward away from you. You have your back against the wall for some serious stabilization and force generation. You begin to push and are happy to see that heavy object moving slowly forward. Now imaging this; what would happen if suddenly the wall you’ve had your back against is taken away? Your legs and glutes are still your legs and glutes are they not? Well then why has that heavy object stopped moving forward and why have you lost your strength? The answer is because the object that was preventing the generated strength of your legs from dissipating has been eliminated. We’re talking about the wall that was giving support to your back here remember? Ok, let’s look at it from a slightly different perspective. What would you say if I was to magically bring that wall back but with a small variation to its composition? I mean a wall is bloody rock solid is it not? Well how about I make it a little bit soft, you know, cushioning it a bit to make it more comfortable on your back when you’re pushing and applying force against that heavy object in front? Basically what I’ve done is I’ve taken a non-compressible wall and exchanged it with one that is all nice and soft for you; all in the name of comfort!

Now transfer the above example of lost strength to when you’re squatting. You’re coming out of the squat, pushing against the ground with everything you’ve got; or are you? If you’re wearing runners, then you can bet some of the force you’re generating upwards has been lost through your shoes instead of trapping every atom of it to help you explode up.

An example of power (rather than strength) dissipation is what happens when you run on doft beach sand barefooted. I'll let you think about that one.

Have you picked the magic words yet?


The above three words need to be eliminated from your shoes the next time you intend to take my challenge and instantly beat your pre-existing squat poundages. Bodybuilders spend a large sum of their money on supplements etc. How about allocating some much needed attention to the only two feet you have and investing in some proper weightlifting shoes. I have not touched on weightlifting shoes’ feet stability factor or the way they stabilise you if you lack flexibility in the ankle joint. Usually inflexibility of the ankle joint results in the heels rising off the ground. Failing to keep the heels grounded while the knee travels forward in the squat position can spell disaster for the knee joints and ligaments where stress is magnified tremendously.

This article was simple written to highlight the point of strength “leakage” if you like. I’ll leave it here and leave the rest to you to ponder about. The decision is yours; make it wisely.

Fadi Chemaissem
Olympic weightlifting and power coach.
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Hey Fadi, hope you had a good Christmas/New Year mate.

Anyone that wants to donate to Josh's Squat Shoes fund please PM me.
Hey Fadi, hope you had a good Christmas/New Year mate.

Anyone that wants to donate to Josh's Squat Shoes fund please PM me.

Hi Josh,

You're right, it's an investment. My weightlifting shoes are 28 years old originally from Bulgaria. I've just spent $70 on them to make them new again. But you're right Josh; weightlifting shoes are expensive (to a non squatter)!

I go barefoot or in volleys/chucks..

Yes, the red socks remember?! It's much safer and more stable if you wear weightlifting shoes though. It's a bit like the person who likes playing computer games using the keyboard instead of a joystick/flight Controllers or racing steering wheels. The only time he'd notice the difference is when he swaps the keyboards for the proper game's peripherals then goes back to the keyboards...it'd be a different world altogether.

But, if you're doing fine bare footed n00bs, then I can't say more than I've already said except all the best to you mate and I hope you don't get any injuries because of it.

Wouldnt mind some just the cost, When i go to decent gyms i notice they have boards to put under your feels ect. Or some times i throw a 5kg under my heel if im not feel the flexability for the day.
Weightlifting shoes are one of the best investments I have made.

As you said Fadi they are only expensive to a non lifter/squatter.
Weightlifting shoes are one of the best investments I have made.

As you said Fadi they are only expensive to a non lifter/squatter.

Seconded, bought mine from the states, best purchase towards to my lifting ever.
I am using Volley's and will be getting some Chuck's in the next few weeks. I have seen a photo of (I think) Ed Coan squatting ~1000lbs in Chuck Taylor's.
Thats not a squat exercise you saw Josh, its a competition event.

Most people squat to exercise, massive difference.

Anyone not squatting in the shoes Fadi described is not serious about improving their squats.

squats are not low bar, lean forward, wide stance, shallow depth. Thats a competion event in powerlifting.

a squat is a high bar, narrow stance, full depth. Thats what these shoes are intended for

All the strong guys at my gym have a pair of these, without fail.

They cost no more than decent crosstrainers.

Fadi, Armando has an antique pair that he's had modified to suit him, what is it with you guys and nostalgia.

He's starting to get pretty serious in his lifting again.

welcome back
Anyone not squatting in the shoes Fadi described is not serious about improving their squats.
That is precisely why I did not post this article in the strength section Markos; I knew that evreyone there would have had the proper shoes to begin with.

squats are not low bar, lean forward, wide stance, shallow depth. Thats a competion event in powerlifting.

a squat is a high bar, narrow stance, full depth. Thats what these shoes are intended for

Fadi, Armando has an antique pair that he's had modified to suit him, what is it with you guys and nostalgia.
I'm sure you have a favourite beast machine (car) Markos. But you're right on the money, we're like little kids holding to their favourite toys !

welcome back
Thank you Sir.

Anyone know where to get the adidas weightlifting shoes from?

Tried google, nothing.
That is precisely why I did not post this article in the strength section Markos; I knew that evreyone there would have had the proper shoes to begin with.

Except for those of us who are poor!!!

I go barefeet and use a piece of timber under my heals. Super comfy lol.


Thanks Austy, Bluey and Fadi.

Anyone know if there is a distributor in Melbourne? Want to try them on first to make sure I get the right size.
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Australian Kettlebells is in richmond.

Fadi Great Article.

My Squat went up 10 kilos the first time i wore my squat shoes. And it's more upright now rather than being a ugly good morning when it gets heavy.