Packing a Huge Member
I have a small torso and stomach so I prefer rest pause. I'll eat some until I am stuffed then I will watch an episode of a TV show on my laptop or read a book then in 20 mins I am hungry again and I'll have another go. This way I can eat 2 500g pizzas, some sweet potato fries and 2L of ice cream in 120 minutes. Rest/pausing your eating works very well for me really
I also superset sometimes as well, but you need two very different foods that go together- it's hard. One needs to be the difficult one but one needs to be easy, like a break. Chicken and chips is good for this. You smash back the chips and then when you're full you can have the chicken which goes down very easy and then you get hungry again and can go back to the chips
I personally drop set with food.
Start with the heavy solid foods like steak, as I get fuller, drop down to lighter textures like roast seweet potato, then move down to the more liquid types like icecream, where it just sorta runs down the neck slowly by it self whan i cannot swollow any longer.