i get told i'm hot/cute but i rekon most girls are afraid of me. i have poor social skills and i'm not very approachable.
i get told i'm hot/cute but i rekon most girls are afraid of me. i have poor social skills and i'm not very approachable.
i get told i'm hot/cute but i rekon most girls are afraid of me. i have poor social skills and i'm not very approachable.
Maybe in my 20s I woulda said above average.....but now, meh...average.
wgaf, I'm comfortable with who I am.
Maybe in my 20s I woulda said above average.....but now, meh...average.
wgaf, I'm comfortable with who I am.
When I was young, I spent most of my life thinking I had been belted by an ugly tree or entire forest. Result: awkward and shy and bad self esteem.
Wasted so much time thinking like that. No good comes of it.
I look back now and think ... maybe sizzling hot didn't even come close.
Now, about average, but the best part is that I stopped caring and started to feel comfortable with who I am and what I looked like ceased to matter.
Wisdom of getting older I guess.
My tip: don't fuss too much about your looks. Physical beauty is destroyed if you're not glowing on the inside.
Conversely, it's mega enhanced if you are happy and confident in your own skin.
I think I am farely average, but the chicks love the fact I can lick my eyebrows for some reason.............I guess looks don't matter so much after all
When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother: what will I be? Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me.
Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see, que sera sera.
Top post Viv, whole lotta intelligence right there!
And you, average???? Pah-lease VB, you are most definitely attractive. We've seen plenty of evidence of that on the forum!
PS. I'm revising my assessment of myself.
I'm theckthy, and I know it.
Nope, I'm pretty average, I'd say.
Bullshittus maximus, the camera doesn't lie.
Neither does that little gap in your bedroom window curtains.
Oh sheeeeeeeeeeet, this is where the stalk police ban my ass I suppose.
Bye Ausbb, I love u all.
I'm not sure I want to answer this poll...
But in answer to the first question, it's always been b). But this is because:
1) I don't think any girl is better than me or out of my league or any of that crap.
2) I hardly meet any girls who come close.
3) On the rare occassion I do, they are usually taken.
I think I don't get out enough.
When I was young, I spent most of my life thinking I had been belted by an ugly tree or entire forest. Result: awkward and shy and bad self esteem.
Wasted so much time thinking like that. No good comes of it.
I look back now and think ... maybe sizzling hot didn't even come close.
Now, about average, but the best part is that I stopped caring and started to feel comfortable with who I am and what I looked like ceased to matter.
Wisdom of getting older I guess.
My tip: don't fuss too much about your looks. Physical beauty is destroyed if you're not glowing on the inside.
Conversely, it's mega enhanced if you are happy and confident in your own skin.
it's the Superman curse ...
You know pistachio there's more to life then being really really ridiculously good looking
When I was with her C, now B. Constant improvement