Not sure honestly.
Had a serious headfuck for nearly a month, so that messed things up. But I still kept training, and now that I'm back (mentally), strength is somehow better than it was before.
I'm still finding new veins every day, but my weight is pretty stable at around 90-91kgs.
So possibly gained a little bit of muscle and strength and lost a little bit of fat?
I'm not too sure what my goals are either, although the leaner I get the better I look. So it is quite possible I will go all out and get ripped. I'm probably around 9% atm, would love to see what I look like at around 5%.
Will continue as I am going for another month or two until strength plateaus, and will probably commence ripping up then.
At the moment, none of my lifts are really stalling, so will keep riding the strength gains while they last.