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Have you ever felt "guilty" or "ashamed" from steroid use?

thats why tested people have to be super super careful, even indirectly they can fail tests, from taking stuff that says its ok but is tainted. you think this doesn't happen? am i imagining it? yeah right...

edit: and btw, its no excuse saying "i thought it wasnt tainted, look the label says nothing bad"

thats no excuse!

that's in Holland. I'm not sure it would be as high as 75% but I won't argue without knowing. These supps would be restricted in most countries anyway.

There would be very few supps available in Australia that would be tainted with Steroids. Competitor companies would find out and have the supplement (and offending company) removed etc ie. DS Craze.
I think you might be referring to OTC medicines or the like in Chemists?
how long was craze on the shelf before it was pulled? think about it. theres so many just the same, that was an amphetamine analogue, not a hormone tho.
I know that customs will often seize bb.com packages coming to Australia because of a high number of them containing traces of steroids
It's not really enough to make a difference though.
businesses have different rules with customs than normal people.

alot more gets through (when your a business) than you'd think. otherwise why would craze take people ending up in hospital before anything was detected? use common sense guys and gals.

or ignore me, pretend i know nothing.
dbol used to be sold as ecstacy lol, yes females took them and didn't grow beards.

edit: and still is!!!
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no idea, but ive seen them. they are 5$ each max and sell them for 25 to 50. you get a sense of wellbeing from it.

edit: And its disgusting!
don't make this personal genics, i avoid your "thread" for a reason. do you even lift?
they are 5$ each max

read properly troll

but i laugh at you oni, you used to recommend 25i-nbone as an awesome psychedelic, now look at all the deaths and overdoses. fucking piece of shit.

edit: and i warned you about it, search my history.
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25I-NBOMe has been implicated in multiple deaths in Australia.[6] In March 2012, a man in Australia died from injuries sustained by running into trees and power poles while intoxicated by 25I-NBOMe.[27] A Sydney teenager jumped to his death on June 5, 2013. He reportedly jumped off a balcony thinking he could fly

Wow, fucking incredible. Tell me more about how dangerous this is
out of curiosity, what is a DBOL worth, and does anyone still take it?

Exact prices are not allowed here but as a rough guide you shouldn't be paying more than $1/10mg if you're not buying in bulk, which is outrageously cheap in powder form.
It's very popular still. Gives great strength and muscle gains very quickly. Usually after 2 weeks