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Have you ever felt "guilty" or "ashamed" from steroid use?

And I'll remind everyone that PLENTY of people homebrew alcohol and have distilleries in their homes. There are shops dedicated to it in every suburb
I think its a silly question.

The word cheat means to gain an advantage over or deprive of something by using unfair or deceitful methods.

The mere act of consuming something is not itself an act of cheating. For example, you wouldn't say someone who injects themselves with insulin a cheat.

It would only be cheating if it was used to gain an advantage by unfair methods.

If you were competing in a competition that prohibited PED then it would be cheating.

The concept of cheating is rooted in the idea of fair play. Without competition its a meaningless concept.

With regard to the question of is something cheating if you can gain an unfair advantage by doing something which is not prohibited in the rules. I would say it is because it often through deceitful methods or non-disclosure that the advantage is gained.
Day at the Rugby...nek minute...11 pages of round and round haha

Everyone has their different views on the matter - we are all (on the forum) involved with something that is very linked to PED's - who cares if someone takes them or not - its the game we are involved in - I dont get the hatered toward using - I dont use but I dont care if the guy next to me is - its his choice.

Of course if a 16 yr old girl is taking clen and a 17 yr old boy is taking dbol then yea of course there is abit of an issue.

Lets move on - there are people here that hate it....ok we get it...there are ppl that love it and there are ppl that couldnt careless....

you don't care if that big bopper running straight at you is using gear against the rules???
its nearly standard issue for girls to get fake boobs, why wouldn't guy's want to juice a little?
its cheaper than buying "supplements", all they do is scam people of their money, because atleast 25% of all "supplements" have real steroids in them.
its nearly standard issue for girls to get fake boobs, why wouldn't guy's want to juice a little?
its cheaper than buying "supplements", all they do is scam people of their money, because atleast 25% of all "supplements" have real steroids in them.
theres no difference to taking gas or being a junkie. its the same but more time has passed.

stay away from that shit man, seriously. OR make mistakes and 10yrs later you'll either see the light, or be paying the consequences.

a little weed may be ok, but getting on the gas is not. Rugby88 your young, i don't wanna see you going down the wrong path...
i don't buy supplements, i eat real food.
you'll have to find out which ones on your own

Currently legal under Australian legislation!
Thanks Poni, but I was questioning C_T's 25% claim. I understand some overseas stuff does but its very minor and most is banned for importation.
upto 75% of supplements sold otc in holland have detectable steroids, google it.

just because its not talked about, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. the only reason otc supps work is because they tainted.

you don't get big from wpi... total MYTH! you get big from training.
you get bigger from training with correct food
you get even bigger from training, with correct food, and some help. wpi isn't help, its processed crap.