Wow thanks everyone. I haven't been shopping yet but it looks like i need to get heaps of new things. For starters i never eat vegetables or meat. I don't think i could stomach a chunk of meat. The only thing i will eat is tins of tuna, but i get the 90gram ones that have flavour.
Is flavoured bad for you? The one i had last night was greenseas lemon/pepper. Before i put it on my sandwich i squished it with a fork trying to get all the fat and juices out of it... i think it was about 15g protein...
I'm eating the biggest bowl of oats right now. It's like a bowl of sloppy cardboard lol. I added a banana to try and get some flavour. Usually i would put syrup and sugar all over it. Do you really just eat oats with no flavour on it? I cooked the oats in full cream long life milk.
Can i use low fat mayonnaise or salad dressings on salads and sandwiches?
So today
10:30 - oats cooked in milk / banana / mandarin / glass of water
I should probably start eating earlier. Tomorrow i will eat at 8am or something. The bread i had last night was white bread. I'll get wholemeal today.
In the shake diet i did we were only allowed like 2 carrots a week because of the carbs or something... do you think i would be ok to eat them every day? I like carrots because it takes me ages to eat a whole one and gives me something to chew.
Would this work :
(Breakfast) Meal 1 - oats / glass of milk with oats/ fruit - 8AM
Meal 2 - fruit - 10AM
(Lunch) Meal 3 - Tin of tuna / salad - 12PM
Meal 4 - nuts / or glass of skim milk - 3PM
(Dinner) Meal 5 - Tuna / 2 pieces wholemeal bread / vegetables - 6PM
Meal 6 - carrot / celery - 8PM
It seems like a lot of food... if i have 250mls of water at every meal.. that's like 1.5litres. So in between all those meals i will try and have the other 1.5litres of water spaced out. With the exercise... how much should i do a day. I could do some in the morning and some at night. Is it bad to exercise before bed?
How do you go eating around people who are eating chocolate and chips and things you like? I really struggle to say no, especially if someone has made me a plate or bought me take away. Like right now there are doritos and salsa on the bench and i know at some point someone is going to eat them, and want to share them with me.
No one pays attention when i say i'm on a diet, mainly because i have failed so many times. They aren't going to stop eating the foods they like so i will have to deal with it.
Instead of tuna at dinner every day, i might use cottage cheese as my protein serving, or an omelet cooked with a bit of olive oil and stacks of veggies added. I haven't started this properly yet because i am still absorbing what i need to do. I'm just trying to eat healthier in the mean time. Yesterday was way better than what i usually do.
Usually i don't drink any water. I will have cans of pepsi or juice instead. I love softdrink. I don't think i drink enough and i'm probably dehydrated all the time. Bread at every meal... lots of salt and sauces added to everything. No veggies, no meat. Tuna occasionally.
Lots of cheese...
Potatoes in every form... hot chips, baked, mashed, boiled
Toasted sandwiches...
Chocolate... i still have chocolate left over from easter. Everyone gave me their chocolate that they didn't want.
Pasta... with bottle pasta sauce
I could buy pizzas and eat it for dinner, breakfast the next day, lunch and dinner again. Or i could eat nothing all day and go and eat hot chips at 4pm and then a chocolate bar and a packet of chips late at night.
How bad is all that. Not to mention all the alcohol i will drink on the weekend. All the sugary alcohol too. No exercise ever.
I gave up on myself big time!
Whatever i lose this week will probably be water weight.
I'm going to do some exercise now. It's so shameful reading all that back.
And i'll suss out the kola nut later. I think i might need some for the weekend.