Can I just say that I think ALL people should keep carbohydrates AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE during a 'fat loss' period.....
Max, are you still around? If so, interested to hear the reasoning behind keeping carbs as high as possible.

Can I just say that I think ALL people should keep carbohydrates AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE during a 'fat loss' period.....
ummm 90kg and 165 cm... give or take a Kg or CM lol
You also forgot to mention how much you pay in board / rent for you and your girlfriend to live in your parents 'massive' house.
Pay sweet fuck all mate, Dont see why your trying to have a dig though?
did i upset you?
'pay sweet fuck all' the fact you dont think you owe your parents shit and think its 'cool' is why rapey thinks you're a piece of shit and people like you are worse then cancer. I hope you do not reproduce as I dont want my tax going to your failed abortion.
wow! just answered your inital post in the other thread.
sorry if i came across like a low life, But mate you know sweet fuck all about me....So your judgment is worthless.
and if i was worse then cancer i wouldent of let my grandfather suffer in a bed for the last 6 months before he passed. YOU INCONCIDIRATE PRICK!
Can I just say that I think ALL people should keep carbohydrates AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE during a 'fat loss' period.....
Yeah the 70 is fine, but I'd compensate for exercise as well, so at least on training days it doesn't fall to far below that, as mentioned in the data...
What is the reasoning behind this? If anything, I can't lose weight at all if I have more then 60-80g of carbs a day, regardless how low my fats/proteins go.
OK- Question for MaxBrenner Re carb intake and fat loss
So, lifting every second day- Full body compounds only
Muay thai every night
Also light jogging and walking during the week.
Cals are 2000, 225P 100C and 78 F
What would determine if my carbs are to low? can i base it on how i feel and overall energy levels?
By no mean am i affraid of carbs- i just find this to be a good ratios of macros for 2000 cals.
Also like to mention- Lifts are increaing weekly