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Funny stuff you have seen in the gym

but he may share his with everyone else.

i have had a bad experience in a gym toilet... one with a pool in it too... lets just say... i wasnt wearing glasses... the light in the cubical was out... and some kid didnt make it to the toilet... and i stood in their "doings" on the ground... didn't realise til my friend in the other cubical yelled out to see if it was me and he was like ah man i didnt use that one some kid crapped on ground and then i realised what the warm thing on my foot was... and then the smell... and me puking up...
These things just don't seem to happen in women's change rooms and toilets. Although seeing a fat 70 year old bend down is probably enough punishment.
Well I didnt see this happen for myself but here it is...

This guy I went to school with was talking away and I noticed he had damaged his front teeth. Not just little chips, these were big pieces missing that were very obvious. I asked him if he had been in a fight or something and he shook his head and wouldn't tell me what happened.
Later on another guy asked him in class and his friend said he did it a the gym doing EZ bar curls. When asked how the F*** he managed that we were told he was doing a super set as fast as he could, and with poor form throwing his whole body around to do it and smacked himself in the mouth with the EZ bar.

I didn't see it for myself but I saw the after effects....ouch....
Holy thread revival batman!

New tosser at my gym today, he was about 16yo max and skinny as a rake... Dressed in classic 70's Golds gym attire and wearing an oversized gym belt, I thought he looked the part until he BB shrugged 30kg and was deep breathing and trying to get attention from everyone
There's a couple of guys in my gym that do curls with the fixed weight barbells. Last night one of them grabbed at least 7 of them and laid them all down in a nice neat line about 10 meters long one after the other biggest weight to smallest and proceeded to do drop sets along the line.

Normally I wouldn't care but his last one was right behind where I was squatting and I just missed stepping on it when backing out with the weights on my back.
WTF!! What was wrong with just grabbing them from the rack each time??
  1. Because then you would be putting them back after you used them, and part of the joy of using seven pairs of dumbells at once is leaving them lying around for the next person to trip over.
  2. That would be hard work, we don't go to the gym to do hard work.
Geez, Katie, you should know this stuff by now.
I have one that happened a few months ago

Was squatting, 2 middle aged women had just finished some sort of group fitness session and walked to the smith machine beside me.

Now the gym had mirrors all around, one of them looks in the mirror and in this 'i can't believe it' ditzy sort of voice. said: "Wow, that looks just like me"

I almost fell over! I glanced at her friend and she was looking at her, mouth open
Back in my late to mid 20's I was a drug free activist.

Some of the roid monsters in town hated me because I was bigger than them.

I have always had a gift. I get a gut but can put on drug sized meat without em.

One day when a big dude and his 4 cronies were doing dips with a 35lb dubbell on a belt,
I had to be naughty.

I pulled out my belt and put 3x20kg plates on it and repeated his effort.

Then I posed delts in the mirror ever so politely in his personal space bubble.

He said to me "I hate it when I train with a cold, I am so weak, I said "Yeah I hate excuses."

HOLY CRAP.......

All hell broke loose. He flew into a really amazing RAGE.

Threw the dumbells and 20kg plates into the wall mirror, smashed it....... this continued....... he was ranting to himself like a demented gorilla tossing weights around like donkey kong...... a complete nut case....... on and on it went.......until he was physically thrown out and banned from ever coming back.

Funny stuff looking back on it. Ooops!

These days I just train at home. LOL
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we used to have a kid at school who was tiny then all of a sudden just got amazingly big!!! he told everyone how much he hated roids but we all knew he was loaded!! any way this one session in the weights room at lunchtime things went crazy...he went to town on a yr12 fella with a 15kg dumb bell (ROID RAGE)!!!!!!!!!! he was expelled charged by police and never seen again!
we used to have a kid at school who was tiny then all of a sudden just got amazingly big!!! he told everyone how much he hated roids but we all knew he was loaded!!
As Rippetoe says, "everyone stronger than me uses steroids." *

* On this forum, that means about two-thirds the lifters, including most of the women!
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People walking in paying these ridiculous fees...that's funny...and sad.

It`s all too sad.
How about getting a taxi to the gym on a beautiful 25 degree day and using a treadmill for an hour?

Yes,I am serious.It actually happened.
I've seen people riding the escalator to the gym (ie. not walking) and then hopping on a treadmill for walking...

Why walk on a treadmill? I think it was Markos who said, is the road outside your house broken??
Treadmills are useful for interval training. Unless you have a trainer, it's hard to "do 10km/hr for 2 minutes, 6km/hr for 2 minutes," etc. You can also use them for progressive work, for example, "6km/hr in the first week, 6.5 in the second, 7.0 in the third, etc, until you are running 12km/hr for 20 minutes." Again, hard to do without a trainer.

But if you're just walking or running at the same speed the whole time... Yes, it's stupid.

Cross-trainers and the bikes are useful for people who want lower impact fitness work because of joint problems. I think swimming would be better, but that can be hard if you want to do resistance training in the same workout, and not all gyms have a pool nearby.
My gym has an indoor pool and the strong smell of chlorine nearly makes me puke after my training, thats something that could be added to this discussion!