There used to be these two guys who would come to the gym when my mate and I were training back in the early 90's. Average slim-looking guys in their late 30's, nothing to really make them stand out except for their matching flouro sunnies and running shorts (the ones with the split up the sides).
They would begin by psyching each other up in the changerooms.
John: "Shit Bill, your going to lift a stack of weight today"
Bill: "Don't I know it John, I'm going to be HUGE by the end of the week"
John: "All these pretenders better watch out, the REAL men are in the gym"
They would then walk in, acknowledge the regulars and begin some lifting...this is where it would get weird.
John would put about 30kg on a curl bar and Bill would start doing his 3 sets of 10, first set would go fine (maybe a bit of grunting) but on the second set he would break down and John would have to comfort him.
Bill: "GRUNT! I can't do's too much!!! Why did you load the bar"
John: "Come on Bill, I know you can do it Mate, I have faith in you"
Bill: *sheds a tear* "Thanks Bill, but it is just too heavy, my arms are like rubber"
John: "I'll help you get through it" *Begins spotting Bill, keeping the bar moving*
Bill: "Grunt! Yeah...I'm DOING IT!!"
This would repeat with John breaking down and Bill comforting him when they swapped. They would then do the same thing for each exercise they did.
It was seriously weird, a lot of people assumed they were "life partners" but they were both married with kids.
One time after they had finished doing some 40kg benchpress, a couple of the regular heavyweight lifters got on after them and started copying them.
Frank "Come on Jack, You can do it"
Jack (pissing himself laughing while pretending to cry) "No Frank I'm just not feeling your love"
Frank: "But Jack, I just showed you my love in the changerooms"
Had the whole gym in hysterics it was that funny...It still cracks me up thinking about it.