Split routines are less taxing
To run a full bro split (5 days a week) I'd need gear. Otherwise I'd feel like chit. Compounds give me a high.
PPL split is best IMO. Allows you to get enough volume while being able to adjust the frequency as needed.
Why don't you juice it up in this mofo biatch!!
ok back to reality
to really benefit from a split routine you really need to have good recovery otherwise you’ll just be spinning your wheels, get over trained and start losing muscle.
Unless to go on a course of steroids, but for the average Joe a full body workout is going to fit the bill, but the caveat, like with a split, you gotta workout.
the combo of split routines and steroids has ended many careers.
what most miss is, that you need the required genetics to be a successful pro bodybuilder.
the other point to make is, most of them cut their teeth on full body as in this is where they got their mass.
the split routines just allow them to keep going and to fine tune so to speak.
the irony is it ends careers, for most.
This. 100%.Having an occasional layoff for a week or so is a good idea, how often depends on the individual and how intense your workouts are.
About time some kunce made sense re the split vs full routines and what squat racks were really made for.
I agree totally, I just physically have not seen any big kunce doing full body nor any of them sock deadlifting kunce with massive muscle mass. Most kunce on here reckon it’s the only way to go, I guess it works for them, but I have stuck with splits for many many years.
what do you mean by over train? They’d get a week rest. In my mind, training a muscle 3-4 times a week would be more of a chance to over train it. No?
With a split there is always cross over as in muscle groups don’t have time to recover and become overworked
This is also true, and if dealt with properly one can achieve even higher muscle power and strength due to adapting to these harsh circumstances. No offense Goosey, but at your age you may not be recovering quite as quick as a younger person. So FBWs may suit you better, same with Darko cause he's not exactly a spring chicken. He looks pretty good though, i'll give him that! He's not big but his BF% is low which is always good. Wouldn't surprise me if FBWs are better at keeping BF% low.
stopped doing dips as I got too fat again. I feel a slight twinge of amusement when I see people doing cable flyes then rubbing their obviously sore shoulders and grimacing. really makes one think.Farrrk, we agree on one thing.
I think split routines are much easier on the body in terms of recovery, that is my opinion.
The thought of needing to be on for life or having impaired natural hormone function worries me. Otherwise I'd be running grams of gear. Mebbe.
No, never run Gear. Just fucked around with Asin as a minor Test booster.You used to be on the gear though right........if your really worried then run hcg throughout the cycle.
I’ve always seen it this way and these are just the words I use, so may not make sense to everyone.
FBW (once again in my view only) are more of healthy all round option, Splits are more of a destructive option, riskier and dont include CV benefits, just go hard and solely focus on size.
Just the way I see it.
And I think @Stiffy ; is 100% correct, in my current health state, I agree I’d be better off doing them until I’m fit again.
stopped doing dips as I got too fat again. I feel a slight twinge of amusement when I see people doing cable flyes then rubbing their obviously sore shoulders and grimacing. really makes one think.