Fucked up Kunce
My training isn't very scientific, it feels good and i havn't had a pec injury so i keep doing them.
Fairies nuts then.

My training isn't very scientific, it feels good and i havn't had a pec injury so i keep doing them.
.. But a warning to those not used to them , care has to be taken at the bottom stretch expecialy when doing them heavy as a tear is an easy result..
On the subject of cables, what does everyone prefer.. High, mid or low point?
I see plenty of guys trying to do a press movement on the cables, anyone see this as effective or stick to flyes on there and db/bb for pressing?
Db's are good, safe on the shoulder, but difficult to get a good (important) hard contraction of the pecs making the exercise a little inefficient.
cables enable you to really get a good load at the point of contraction, but the resistance falls away pretty fast as you stretch the pecs.
a machine can be real shoulder wrecker if the biomechanics of the machine is poor, if you're not sure about the machine don't use it.
but a good machine is the best movement for the pecs especially when you use a machine that has a lot of adjustment.
um how does the resistance change with cables? tension is constant through the full range of motion
tension changes with DB's because the path is cicular and the moment arm changes with the arc
so cables > db fly
Gravity.I have a question for you moth boy.
Where does resistance come from?
What dictates resistance in a given exercise?
And dont say the weight.
But I still don't understand how a DB fly would be superior to a cable movement? Of course the bottom of a DB fly is going to have more tension, but wouldn't this make it an inferior choice if tension isn't uniform throughout the whole movement?