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Essendon FC investigated over supplements

that Federal report must have some evidence of teams using Peptides as that Judge Clare who "presided" over the report stated this morning “In some cases players are being administered with drugs that have not yet been approved for human use”, with a further reference to Peptides later. One day earlier Essendon put their hand up (possibly) with regard to Peps. Weird.
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lol Kyle Reimers.. have now done a bit of reading, all makes sense.

The guy is a total wanker. Good riddance. Glad this happened now so the bomber boys can get on with it in 2013.
[FONT=.HelveticaNeueUI]It looks like this "sports sciencest" goes back far as hird and woefull woewoden. These brownlows have to be questioned and there credibility. Hird and this guy have a history a long one by the looks of things. And it's funny I remember sheedy saying that Watson was an average player who was on he's trade list , funny how these blokes have all turned around and come from nowhere. Even Stanton and zharakis all base Stella years just to name a few big improvements under the essondon regime..I still think the Chinese swim team is cleaner! [/FONT]
lol Kyle Reimers.. have now done a bit of reading, all makes sense.

The guy is a total wanker. Good riddance. Glad this happened now so the bomber boys can get on with it in 2013.

Lol. I think there is going to a fair bit more come out of this before you can get on with 2013.
These guys where on more than luecine And bcaa's its no storm in a tea cup I'm telling u it's gunna be big when punishment is handed down. Demitirou will have to set an example of them. It's not fair for blokes like Goddard and new draftees that inherited these problems and future sanctions

the players have still got to have the skills and ability ,regardless of the sports science. You can't turn a cart horse into a race horse
the players have still got to have the skills and ability ,regardless of the sports science. You can't turn a cart horse into a race horse

If u are in gear and train train twice as long recover and kep training the next day while the natty is at home whipped out then u are increasing skill level. So it's not just pre skill it's skill obtained from being there longer.
If u are in gear and train train twice as long recover and kep training the next day while the natty is at home whipped out then u are increasing skill level. So it's not just pre skill it's skill obtained from being there longer.

Yeah nah
If u are in gear and train train twice as long recover and kep training the next day while the natty is at home whipped out then u are increasing skill level. So it's not just pre skill it's skill obtained from being there longer.
I gotta go with McFly there. Skill comes from hours at the grind. HGH particulary is one of those substances which will allow you to put in more hours ...... not just extra strength and size etc.

Think of Dickheads like that Carlton captain, great skills putting people ahead.
I can't imagine that Essendon players were doing hours and hours more training per week than any other AFL club. (Assuming that Essendon are the only ones who were using peps, which is unlikely to say the least).

I'm assuming it was for a fuller recovery. But whatever they were planning, they fucked it. They were dog tired in the second half of the season, and they were pulling one or two hammies a week.
All Australian sarms supplies would have sold out today... Talk about free advertising...

Triple M had some momo on the radio this morning spruiking on about all the great gains he got from
Injecting it into his fat 3 times day... Even better he reckons it reverses all the damage caused to his liver by his test prop cycle....

Then they cut him off....

Too late imo!!!! The damage is done...
I wasn't sure of the status under ASADA of peps, but see the below lifted from a ban notice on their website - GH peps are not kosher.

I knew the IGF's were banned but maybe they hadn't caught up to GHRP's yet. Not so, if it was GH Peps they were taking there is going to be a pretty serious fall out.

The thing is from what I've read it's very hard to test for there are some bans in place but they all seem to be from players that got busted cause they got caught buying it in the post. Customs and ASADA must share information.

GHRP-6 is not approved for human use in Australia. Anyone considering the use of this substance
should be aware that it may involve potentially serious health consequences.
Possession, use or attempted use by athletes of this substance is also prohibited at all times
under the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code). Penalties for breaching the Code can potentially
include a lifetime ban for second offences.
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What does it mean for Essendon fluffy?