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Essendon FC investigated over supplements

"THE independent report into Cronulla's 2011 supplement program has warned peptides given to players may have accelerated former prop Jon Mannah's fatal cancer.
................................ "A brief review of available published medical literature suggests an identified causal link between the use of substances such as CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 and the acceleration of the condition of disease Hodgkin's lymphoma".
Peptides given to Cronulla Sharks players may have hastened former player Jon Mannah's death | The Courier-Mail

To me a lot of it seems "a storm in a tea cup" but this is concerning if true - Doctors know this stuff.
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Wow. Very interesting read. Do they know mannah even took peptides?? Murky territory
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It makes sense that if growth hormone/peptides accelerate body growth, that if you already had cancerous cells, it would speed up their growth too

Logically anyway, nfi about any sense behind what I'm saying
It makes sense that if growth hormone/peptides accelerate body growth, that if you already had cancerous cells, it would speed up their growth too

Logically anyway, nfi about any sense behind what I'm saying

Same can be said for milk lol.

This whole peptide thing is a joke, at least from the performance enhancing side of things.
Does it enable the athlete to recover quicker between activity Sticky?
Is that the purpose?

Of course, but NOTHING compared to anabolic's..... Which are 100% used within these sports.

Peptide is a new word, the media just want to exploit that.

Ive never been asked by family members/close friends if I use AAS, but over the last few weeks I've been asked by quite a few (including my parents) if I do or have used peptides....

Agree. But if they took a substance that was banned at the time ( peptides or whatever) they have to face the shit.

If they didn't they are fine and this has all been a pile of crap.
Agree. But if they took a substance that was banned at the time ( peptides or whatever) they have to face the shit.

If they didn't they are fine and this has all been a pile of crap.

Agree 100%

Use a banned substance, prepare the get raped. Its the way it should be.
Peptides weren't banned at the time, but any substance increasing hGH was / is.
I think ASADA is confuzzled.
It appears that way, they seem useless, a waste of time, ASADA that is.

They cant really ban a substance before it available to the public.

Performance enhancers will always be one step ahead, especially when multimillion dollar contracts are on the line.

Funnily enough the exact same thing has happened to me.

And I say it's funny because it is me.
Funnily enough the exact same thing has happened to me.

And I say it's funny because it is me.

yep me too. And that is funny because my appearance doesnt suggest i lift.

Dad even said i should be careful of what supp companies put in my protein powder cuz he heard on the news that people could unintentionally take banned substances.

Media sensationalism is nothing new.
When ASADA first came out with all this, they held that big press conference with all the Heads of the various codes. They told the media they have the Feds onboard with phone taps and everything, and that its just a matter of time before they are "knocking on doors" and hauling people off so those involved had better "fess up" now to avoid a harsher penalty.

Here we are months later, nothings happened just drip drip drip speculation. Looks like ADASA had nothing and were just trying to spook people into confessing ..........

(unless somethings on the horizon).