you gotta stay @
Big Mick ; not too many people like going toe to toe with Baz like you do!
Haha. this is funny!
Mick, you seem confused again. I don't have a problem with off topic or bullshit threads at all. It was you that said that. Remember your first post in this thread telling us how you were leaving because of the bullshit.
I'm fine with it. Keep going.
Well it's not a bull shit thread IMO, since I started it you came in here suggesting it was bull shit, yet you are still here buzzing around, you probably made at least 5 or 6 comments (could not be bothered going back counting them) without adding anything intelligent to the discussion either for or against my opinion.
Dropped in for a look this morning since I am off work today.
Only took me 10 minutes to work out that I won't be back here for a while, still the same mentally challanged people sprouting the same BS and arguing that the sky looks red, when everyone can clearly see the blue. I feel sorry for the sane members and those with enough intelligence to carry on an intersting and constructive discussion.
May be one day the retards will get tired of trolling this forum and they will go and annoy someone else, only then will the forum be able to grow and move forward.
Something for the moderators to think about.
You said it in your first post, you know, when you said you aren't coming back for awhile...since then you seem to have been back full time.
For your reference I have quoted my first post, I did not say anything about what I wanted in it, but I am assuming you made some assumptions based on what you read in my first post, keep in mind they are your assumptions not my wants! Big difference!
Anyway what I 'want' is basic intelligent discussion of the topic on hand what ever that topic may be, I believe (my opinion based on past experiences) that that is what most people want from a forum. I can understand that some topics may well go 'off' a little bit, and that may be part of the discussion, and I doubt anyone has any issue with that.
Issues only develop when people deliberately go into topics they have no interest in and continually prod and poke at comments in attempt to destroy the thread, by attempting to discredit the posters without offering alternate opinions or any valid arguments related to the topic and often not even knowing anything about the topic.
There are plenty of non 'lifting' related topics here where people can chat and carry on, people can start their own non lifting related threads to have their own discussions.
But I feel if someone newcomer comes to the forum asking for advice we need to provide the advice, I remember Fadi giving me plenty of advice when I first came here looking for strength training advice, as I had no or very little idea about strength training as it was never on my agenda of training with weights, even though at that stage I had been weight training for well over 25 years. But most of my training was conditioning and endurance related with weights merely being used as a tool to compliment other sports, rather than an activity in itself. I have not participated in any other sports for quite a few years now and weight training has become my activity of choice rather than just a supplement to other activities.
I don't see Fadi around much any more, and plenty of other who used to either look for knowledge or impart it have moved on as it just seems pointless at times.
Maybe make Big Mike a mod? If he's keen?
This is probably meant to be sarcastic, but I would consider it if all the mods were on the same page, but I doubt I would have the support from the members and admin!