Big Mick
"2014 - Kunce of the year"
So other than going back in time and changing one’s genetics, how else should one attempt to lose fat other than by reducing calories?
I personally think a species appropriate diet is a start, not that my mate in the above example follows one but he just has special hormones/metabolism but still obliterates the calories in vs calories out theory.
I mentioned this before, but no animal in nature that follows their natural diet is overweight, only animals fed and cared for by humans get overweight.
Go and check out a carcass of a slaughtered pig fed by humans vs a pig that lives free range, massive difference in body fat.
Now all we need to do is figure out what a humans natural diet is.
I am certain though that it does not involve processed sugars and nothing that comes in a box or packet from the supermarket or alcohol for anything sold by fast food restaurants and anything shipped in from overseas.
In my opinion it would definitely include locally sourced unprocessed meat, and locally sourced in season fruits and vegetables.