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here you go.

well shrek, i can remember the conversation like yesterday. Talking to her, I alluded to other people taking drugs just to see her reaction, and then she started the denial. Don't know why. But she did.
So there you go, 152.5kg bench press by a woman if i take her word.
Hehe.. Oral .. Lol @L.P.S.;

Rather attractive and fit Brisbane lass
Pinning/Was pinning Test (E?)
On var
Had bf who is well known bb'er / power-lifter
As predicted by myself this has surely become one of the quickest threads to hit 13 pages

Went off quicker than one of C_T's meltdowns. At least she put picks up when she got called out, not like "Mr Ausbb's Best Chest"
I missed... who's got the best chest?

There's only a few ladies on here and I don't want to offend any of them ;)

Lol.. Well spotted Headley. Everyone too keen for pics!
C_T started calling everyone and anyone out who had a better chest than him (including kaz)... Then quickly got shot down. I was looking forward to seeing proof
@spartacus - I get what what your saying. I have already started which means ethically I need to compete in non tested shows only which I will - to have a chance if winning I need to keep using or I won't have a chance!

Even from a powerlifting point if view.. I went from 110 to 160 dead with straps in 5 months - ?

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What's your cycle like? You're not cruising on a steady dose are you?

Once you've used, you'd never be considered natty anymore anyway... Even when the hormones have worked their way out of your system, if you've openly admitted to using, you'll always be 'tarnished' with that label and as a result be expected to perform as a 'geared' user.
Actually, I don't really judge anyone, contrary to what people say. I used to dabble.

Good luck to you with your goals.

But there are always other options. We have a girl on this site who battles away and has steadily achieved good powerlifts, so it can be done.
I would never deny it.. it's not openly discussed but if someone asked me I would tell them

is what it is

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test was 8 week cycle and like 0.01 per week.. really really low - massive gains from that much alone tho

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