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Critique my Split

Guys, Im looking at changes my routine to the following. Fire away with your thoughts.

Mon: [Pull/mass] Dead lifts 8-10x3, BB rows 8-10x3, Shrugs 8-10x3, BB curls 8-10x3, pull ups 8-10x3, Seated leg curls 8-10x3.

Tue: [Push/mass] BB Bench press 8-10x3, BB Mil Press 8-10x3, BB squats 8-10x3, Incline DB Press 8-10x3, Skull Crushers 8-10x3, Seated leg extentions 8-10x3.

Wed: OFF

Thu: [Pull/Strength] Dead lifts 5x5, BB rows 5x5, Shrugs 5x5, BB curls 5x5, weighted pull ups 5x5, Seated leg curls 5x5.

Fri: [Push/Strength] BB Bench press 5x5, BB Mil Press 5x5, BB squats 5x5, Incline DB Press 5x5, Skull Crushers 5x5, Seated leg extentions 5x5.

Sat: OFF
Sun: OFF
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Programs looking a bit better. How about you squat before you press. If your looking for more growth you should be focusing on the major muscles groups first and pressing later. That might explain your bench being stronger than your squat...
What are your lifts?

They will determine what program you should do.

If you can deadlift double bodyweight I wouldn't reccomend deadlifting twice a week. Some pro's dl every fortnight.

I think you should do some sort of progressive strength based program, no matter what your lifts. Then bb or strength based accessories depending on your primary goals.