Interesting choice of words from you Grunta, Freud would have had a feild day with youIts not just age, it's how much weight you hump also, when young (20s) and not overly strong, do the work, as you get older and stronger and hump some serious weight, will need longer to recover. Them heavy weights take the piss out of you.
So I 100% agree with shrek and baz, while young and fresh, train as much as time will allow you to, cos later it will be as much as your body will allow you to.
Interesting choice of words from you Grunta, Freud would have had a feild day with you![]()
Take that program and split it up and make it a 6 day thing. Easy.
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If you want in and out of the gym in 45 minutes or so, i wouldnt spend that time working just one muscle. Not very efficient. Id be looking for compounds for almost everything. Shit id even drop the curls and use chinups instead actually. Probably better.
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I wouldn't
chin ups don't hit biceps very well and every kunce wants biceps
I don't think chins have to engage bicep. I know they can but if you pull on the humerus rather than pulling on your hand, the bicep is pretty much eliminated. Debacle averted. ?Under hand close grip engage a lot of bicep. No doubt.
So here comes the old chin ups v pull ups debacle again. ??
I don't think chins have to engage bicep. I know they can but if you pull on the humerus rather than pulling on your hand, the bicep is pretty much eliminated. Debacle averted. ?
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here comes the old chin ups v pull ups debacle again. ����