Yep, its been bashed around before and will again.
In a situation where a youngster says to me:
"Excuse me your Gruntashipness, I would like to build some insane biceps like you have so I too can look fully crazy in one size too small t-Shirt while holding a Heineken with a full bicep flex in da club and rip chicks like you do. Enlighten me with your wisdom on how to achieve this dream that you so take for granted on a daily basis?"
I would say, curl mofo, curl, cos curls get the girls my minion. Don't go hanging of the chin bar, cos you want to be a chick magnet like the Grunta, not a circus chimp.
I'd say that cos I do believe that one would size his biceps up faster by training them with 3 different exercises using weights rather than just chins.