Natural Hormone Enhancement Diet Plan Crib Sheet
Has a 7-Day induction period, then a 3 Day/4 Day cycle.
Begins with a 10-day cycle before your first carb load.
Induction phase
7 days, no more than 20g of active carbs a day. Eat mostly meats
If vegitarian or vegan, can be done eating mostly soy, but check for carbs on packaging.
Focus on eating:
steak, fish, shrimp, lobster, chicken, ribs, and eggs, cheese (cottage/ricotta)
no sweet sauces - e.g. no barbeque sauce
moderate consumption (1 serving a day) of high fiber/high water weight vegatables:
cabbage, celery, broccoli, lettuce, carrots, spinach, onions, garlic, asparagus, radicchio,
mushrooms, cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers, and radishes.
other fruits/vegatibles
drinks with calories
Things are cooking by day 4 if you manage this - cravings should emerge/resolve about this time.
Make sure to eat PLENTY of protein, and eating more often will help cravings.
Do ensure you eat the fibrous veggies every day, for bowel help dealing with all that meat.
Dink an insane amount of water a day - at least 2 liters, and 2 liters for every hour you exercise if you do.
Active Carb amount is defined as the amount of carbs that remain after you subtract grams of Fiber from the Total
grams of carbs. With engineered foods the sugar alcohol grams can sometimes be subtracted too, but reliance on this
can cause digestive "acceleration".
After you get through this 7 day period begin the 3-Day then 4-Day cycling.
Macronutrient cycling
3/4 Day cycling of the following phase, eating 4 meals daily (or 5).
30-60 grams of active carbs, no more than 25 grams at any one meal.
15-50 grams of protein per meal, no upper limit.
Moderate consumption of fats
minimize transfatty acids to zero
favor omega-3's over saturated fats.
Last day of cycle
First 2 or 3 meals, same rules as above
Last 1 or 2 meals:
>70% Starchy Carbs, no upper limit.
Over 60gr carbs for Men,
Over 40gr carbs for Women
If you wanna eat 200gr of carbs, go ahead.
Less than 20g Fat
Less than 20 g Protein
Final Cycle Meal notes:
If you like to really pig out on carbs, do this as the last meal of a 4 meal day.
If you like eating more, smaller meals, split the gram amounts above amount above over the last two meals of a 5 mealday. Don't drink tons of water right around this big carb meal - will knock you out and expand your belly. Do minimize
the fats and proteins, but don't worry too much about proteins in complex starches like wheat pasta.
Eating Strategy:
Use 5 rules to keep you eating the right way:
1. Daily and Per-Meal Carbohydrate Gram Limits (above)
2. Thermogenesis*
3. Protein Opimization/Meal Frequency (meet minimums, and eat 5 times a day if you need to)
4. Using Dietary Fats to Burn Bodyfat (meet minimums!)
5. Favoring Starchy Carbs over Sugary Carbs (no soda or froyo, bub)
- getting you body to work harder when digesting food, raise metabolism
- means choosing foods that are higher in fiber and water content
- drinking tons of water
- choose meats that are leaner (but don't forsake your fat minimums!) or tofu over richer meats.
Can be eaten pretty much any time, in unlimited quantity during the 3/4 cycling (due to high thermogenic/carbohydrate
HIFWAC Fruits (high-fiber, high-water-content) and starchy veggies:
Apples, Apricots, Blueberries, Cherrries, Grapes, Peaches, Rasperries, Strawberries
Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Lettuce, Mushroom, Radicchio, Radish, Spinach
Avoid lower water content, lower fiber content fruits:
Bananas, Dates, Dried Fruit, Figs, Raisins, Watermelon
What to expect:
Wight-loss will be fastest in the first 10 days, as you will lose all stored carbs (and the water carried to metabolize it).
Cravings may emerge in the first 3-4 days, but should resolve in a few days at most.
Once you have lost all the weight you want you can go to a 3/3 or 2/3 or even 1/1 day cycle. You will have a good
sense of which one works - go down to each cycle for a couple of weeks and see how your body reacts. You will have
direct understanding of carbs, energy levels, and fat gain by then.