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CAPO National titles

World Powerlifting Congress World Records Raw Division. Every National Federation is linked to a larger World Federation. They all have their own records, no such thing as a universal one. IPF for instance dont have raw, WPC dont have single ply etc

The same fed that Konstantin Konstantinov lifts in, as well as Doug Heath, Shawn Frankl,Andy Bolton etc and in the womens, Becca Swanson, Kara Bohigian, Shannon Hartnett, Jill Mills etc

Ed Coan still has quite a few WR listed.

Most of the Records are held by Russians and Ukrainians.

Now Australia will have its fair share.

Max appears to be the only Aussie going over to the Raw Worlds, hopefully we have a few going to their equipped Worlds.

The PA guys lift in the IPF, CAPO lift in WPC
like best ever records. thanks for clearing that up. we got some strong dude in australia

There are too many Feds, its the reason we have no chance of being an Olympic sport.

We wanted to lift raw, we joined CAPO. Others want to lift tested, they join PA.

At the moment, we dont have a Fed in Oz that caters for raw, equipped, tested and non tested.

So we divide all the lifters into Feds. We dont really have enough, it would be ideal to have had the 200 lifters at both Nats in the same Fed.

Maybe I'm dreaming.

Both Feds have some excellent quality's. It was great to see Vicky,Steve Simon and Tim at our Nats.

Lifing is lifting if you strip back the politics.
So whats the plan for Max between now and worlds Markos? have acouple of light sessions and rest?
I had explained earlier that we had been working on Nina's squat. Her knees now stay out wide and her shins stay pretty vertical. She will squat 120kg pretty soon.

Hi guys,

I'm new to the forum and was a keen spectator for the event as Gawain is an old uni mate of mine whom I trained with back in the day.

Got some videos of Gawain's lifts and Derek Boyer's deadlift for those who missed out:

Edit: Unfortunately forum rules dictate I cannot post YouTube links until I have made 15 posts or more on the forum, so please look up "TheDJSnaz" on YouTube and the only 4 videos I have uploaded are from the event... enjoy.

Well done to all competitors was a fantastic event to watch!

- Mike.
So whats the plan for Max between now and worlds Markos? have acouple of light sessions and rest?

We had been training for the Worlds obviously.

Max got crook and with 4 weeks to go to the Nats, he was weighing around 72kg. He weighed in at 78kg, he could easily have made the 75kg class as he was still eating as he went to bed the night before weigh in.

We modified a program for him and hoped for 500kg at the Nats. If he'd made all his lifts, he would have got 522.5kg. We're on schedule.

We are hoping for 530kg at the Worlds. He should weigh 81kg by then, and make 180/115/235.

Tonight he will do 165 x 1 x 5 in the squat, next week 172.5 x 1 x 5, with sets of 10 to complete the session. A similar protocol for the other lifts.

It makes it very hard with only 3 weeks to train for the Worlds, but no use complaining. He had to sacrifice one of the comps. Steve Brown even suggested going very soft at the Nats.

This is all trial and error, we'll know more after the Worlds lol
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuak9aqGbYA]YouTube - Gawain Johnstone - 340kg Deadlift @ CAPO Nationals 2010[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2L6bnUwAZg]YouTube - Gawain Johnstone - 332.5kg Squat @ CAPO Nationals 2010[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRVRiAdnaRk]YouTube - Gawain Johnstone - 227.5kg Benchpress @ CAPO Nationals 2010[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16jjY962-GA]YouTube - Derek Boyer - 345kg Deadlift @ CAPO Nationals 2010[/ame]
Derek Boyer looks a LOT like the huge guy called Thunder in Gladiators.

A quick google search and it seems to be the same guy!

Congrats to him, i remember vividly my Dad kept commenting on how 'big' he was every weekend we watched the show. I gotta show my Dad this video, who knows, he might take up powerlifting LOL
Well done Sherlock lol

If dad had let you come, you may have got a pic with him

mmhmm, let's hope Thunder is at the Nats next year. I'll definitely be going. You can quote me on it.

Anyhow congrats to all lifters, you made all of us here on AusBB very proud.
Kelly, i hope there's nothing serious with your leg, get well soon man.

Good luck to Max at the Worlds, nevertheless of the result, the experience would be amazing.
I met Corey, he is really nice little man, walking around without a top, tatts showing, all gangster and shit lol
Well done to everybody... was an awsome comp with some awsome lifting... Kelly hope you recover well mate. Gawain... you hurt my ****ing head on your last deadlift!!! Good job everyone!