There are a number of lifters on here who are looking for CAPO comps in Sydney. As has been discussed on the CAPO forum, we havent had a presence there. We are strong in Canberra and the Albury comp had 24 lifters, 20 of whom were raw.
The no RAW lifting saga in Sydney is about to end. I have approached a gym in Sydney who said they were interested. I gave Paul Nay there details.
Paul has just got off the phone to the gym owner, I wont name him yet, and we are looking at October for a Sydney novice comp. This gym doesnt have any equipped lifters training there currently, so my guess is it will be made up of 99% raw lifters.
The purpose of this thread is to gauge how much interest we have in Sydney for powerlifting.
If you have aspirations to compete in powerlifting and dont want to wrap up like a mummy(I couldnt resist Nathan), please post up here.
Thank you very much.
The no RAW lifting saga in Sydney is about to end. I have approached a gym in Sydney who said they were interested. I gave Paul Nay there details.
Paul has just got off the phone to the gym owner, I wont name him yet, and we are looking at October for a Sydney novice comp. This gym doesnt have any equipped lifters training there currently, so my guess is it will be made up of 99% raw lifters.
The purpose of this thread is to gauge how much interest we have in Sydney for powerlifting.
If you have aspirations to compete in powerlifting and dont want to wrap up like a mummy(I couldnt resist Nathan), please post up here.
Thank you very much.