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Anymore leads?

Got any pics sent to you yet?

Got the Oasis Active account firing yet?

Wrap up champ, only go raw if they have been through menopause.
Got a date Friday. Seems dirty. Answered 'yes' to Would you date someone just for sex.... Said it
Wouldn't be a problem if their partner admitted they had 14 sexual partners in their history, and would consider sleeping with someone on a first date (general questions she requested answers to). Will try to get in two dates with two diff women this week and I'm gonna still send a random message to my date from last Friday.
That's it mate, your all over it now. Sounds like you have figured out the on-line game.

Multiple dates in a week is the way to go. Increase your odds.
Exactly. I'm exchanging a few messages here and there. Keep it light. Suggest a drink. If they say 'ok' wait a day or two before confirming a time. Then no more messaging. If they delay or take their time getting back to me (within reason), I'll cut em. Gone. Onto the next. NFG
Got to multi task but embed their name in your brain before you catch up. Don't want to go calling her the name of the chick you saw the night before!

Wrap it and tap it!
Got to multi task but embed their name in your brain before you catch up. Don't want to go calling her the name of the chick you saw the night before!

Wrap it and tap it!

you speak the truth, white one.
have to give them all a nick name that takes you straight to their name, that was my solution to this.
Will do Rugby. Thank you for your help/advice and to the other members who have weighed in.

I think I'm being a bit ruthless with some of them. If they're engaging in a little chit chat but then go silent, I'll try once more and even suggest a drink. But if there's no response to that, I'm burning them.
Give it a little time, and you'll be using the go no-go gauge. That is when you point your thumbs at each other, touch the ends of them together to form one straight line, then extend your pikies out parallel to each other to form a square with one side open. If their waist fits between the pinkies, she's a go, if it doesnt, next waiting. Save yourself a lot of uneccesarry conversations.
Go purely based on looks, you know from experience that they'll break balls and give you the shits, so you may as well cop it from an absolute stunner rather than some average looking philosophical babling nut buster.
Fun times ahead for you my friend, good times are just starting.
Dates on Friday and Sunday.

Asked both whether they would like to drink somewhere cold or warm (there's a sub zero bar I thought would be fun).

Both said "warm and cozy"

Bring it.