I find high keto if it fits your carbs low-high protein intermittent starvation liquid diet medium saturated proteins don't eat white foods extreme vegan gluten free see food diet has really helped me reach my goals, but you have to keep it flexible.
Get with the times gramps
Gramps? GRAMPS?? What the.....?!.... Who the fuck are you calling gramps?!? Wot!?! Fuaark kunce..! You're probably older than me!...which would explain it. Senility.
lol sorry didn't mean to offend
in all seriousness though my methods worked really well for me even though they sound absurd
Why dafuq do you want a restriction diet? You look like you are on the border of anorexia already. Eat more and train harder.
Bottom line is that the best diet is the one you can stick to.
You know I read a study on why deep fried chips are so addictive. It's apparently due to the perfect equality of a fat to carb ratio.nothing deep fried, nothing with overly big amount of sugar. keeps me looking ok according to the wife
You know I read a study on why deep fried chips are so addictive. It's apparently due to the perfect equality of a fat to carb ratio.
You know I read a study on why deep fried chips are so addictive. It's apparently due to the perfect equality of a fat to carb ratio.
nothing deep fried, nothing with overly big amount of sugar. keeps me looking ok according to the wife
Fckn good too.Potato chips are so fckn addictive once you start.
I think food addiction is real the combinations of; salt, fat and sugar make food taste and feel very good on the palate food manufacturers are well aware of this and have put this to good use.
try stopping at one potato chip or BBQ shape and such.
i think you've got to try and view food as a medicine as in preventing illness before you do anything else.
Have you not seen Attack of the Killer Tomatoes??