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Looking at some lgf1 lr3 to help with injury healing. Worth a try.

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All the driving over the weekend hasn't been kind to my back. Very sore today

iPhone using Tapatalk

I know what ya mean, I spent 4hr driving 2 days after herniating my l4/l5. Spent the next 7 in bed rolling into diff positions trying to ease the pain.

Nice beach, where abouts is that? Looks very much like where I live.
I know what ya mean, I spent 4hr driving 2 days after herniating my l4/l5. Spent the next 7 in bed rolling into diff positions trying to ease the pain.

Nice beach, where abouts is that? Looks very much like where I live.

That was up at Forster. Wife's grandad lives up there. It is a nice beach. Nothing like maroubra but good enough!!

iPhone using Tapatalk
Had a good proper swim again this morning.
Have ordered some IGF1 LR3 too. Will run it for a month 50mcg eod. It cant hurt at this stage.
I saw the surgeon yesterday (5 weeks post op) and he said its progressing as expected, the wound has healed perfectly. I still have to avoid lifting anything above my head, or anything heavy from the ground. He said theres hardly any disc left at s5L1, so down the track ill probably need a fusion in my back...
BUt for now, he said the pains im getting will take a couple of months to dissipate. great.
One more week off work. I will be going back 3 days a week, in the office, for a couple of weeks and then re-assess if im ready to get back on the tools.
I feel ok, but the pain sometimes comes back if ive bent over and it comes back real sharp in my left bum cheek.
Good luck with the recovery bud. Think of your kids and make sure you're well enough to play with them freely for years to come. Play it smart and don't rush back too soon.
For me, any residual back pain niggles subsided around the 6th month post op mark. Took about 12 months before all sciatic leg pain went away. From my experiences, it's a very slow healing injury that needs lots of time, rest and patience.
For me, any residual back pain niggles subsided around the 6th month post op mark. Took about 12 months before all sciatic leg pain went away. From my experiences, it's a very slow healing injury that needs lots of time, rest and patience.

Patience isn't one of my strong points but I'm learning!!
You're a good man Guz
For me, any residual back pain niggles subsided around the 6th month post op mark. Took about 12 months before all sciatic leg pain went away. From my experiences, it's a very slow healing injury that needs lots of time, rest and patience.

A man of my physique has plenty of strong points, but patience isn't one of them. Hahahah. I'm learning though!!

You're a good man Guz
Had a good proper swim again this morning. Feeling ok.
Put the bins out earlier and felt a pang of pain in left bum cheek.
Have been given the go ahead to up the theraband work and stabilization work.
when i put pics up from tapatalk they turn out terrible!!

5am ride on the spin bike this morning and theraband exercises today...

Repeat tomorrow. hmmm

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Why do they turn out terrible?

No idea.
Had another half an hour on the stationary bike at 5am. I love it at that time of day.
Starting igf1 lr3 Monday. Will be keeping a close eye on any changes in pain/recovery while taking that.
Theraband and stabilization work this arvo. Swim tomorrow morning in the ocean pool
Late night last night. At the mark of Cain concert and wasn't in bed til 1am.
I was still up early (6am not 5am today) and pushed out half an hour on the spin bike.
Doing my therabands for this week and can start bodyweight exercises next week. Yay!
Can start body weight exercises this week with caution.
We have gone thru and worked out what I can do along with the theraband stuff. There's alot!!
I'm feeling ok. A week on the igf lr3 now. Appetite is up but no change in back pain/soreness.
Have been on the spin bike every morning this week for half an hour. That feel of pumped quads was like being reunited with a long lost friend!!
Arrived at pool. Back is very sore today.
Will do more walking, less swimming. I know it takes a while to recover from this op, but it is frustrating!
Physio this arvo and my mass building theraband session
Hey mate, good to see you're slowly getting better. It's funny how just when you think it's good to let the brakes off, a decent niggle reminds you to put the brakes back on. Frustrating as hell but a good reminder for the long term.

With all the cycling, are you getting tight hip flexors that may be causing increased tenderness in the hips/lower back?

Hows the guitar lessons comming along - - can you jam it out like Slash from Guns & Roses, yet????
Hey guzz
Wasn't getting tight from the bike. It was half an hour at a leisurely pace at best! Haha. More to get me out of bed and doing something before everyone else is up.
Guitar is going well!! Yesterday he taught me the opening to highway to hell! It's fun
How's your Garry jack going?
Good mate. started doing that 400m run / weights interval training again you recommend. Had my first session yesterday and feeling a little sore now haha. I'm a lottle bored with typical weight training so this is a great way to spice things up, in a sadistic kind of way