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We are just animals too.
The scientific theories of how the earth formed are a lot more likely than saying God made the earth.
I have no problems with scientific theories when they establish themselves to be factual. To say the formation of the earth is a lot more scientifically based than God based is not what I'm arguing here Barry. Where you are making a disassociation, I on the other hand am making an association. I can still say that God made the earth and use science to explain the how behind the who and the why.

There is actually evidence of it for starters
What exactly do you mean when you use the word "evidence" Bazza? I hope you are not referring to the blatantly obvious here. If by "evidence" you mean physical evidence, then I would frankly find that extremely strange coming from you. You, you the atheist who prides himself on being motivated by reason, logic, and science, yet you fail abysmally in using that reason when you ask me to provide you with physical evidence for a God that belongs to the metaphysical sphere. Where's the logic in your request? I don't see logic but ignorance and failure to differentiate between what it is that belongs to the world of physics and that which belongs to the world of metaphysics. It's like me asking you to provide me with some physical evidence for love or hate. Try as you may, it's an impossibility. So if a so called reasonable/rational atheist asks of a theist to provide physical evidence for something that does not belong to the physical sphere of our existence, then that atheist in my opinion is leaving himself (or rather his argument) wide open for ridicule, characterised by fallacies and juvenile behaviour.

In any case, of all the recent questions I asked that's the only one you answered. Strange.
What is strange (if you're interested), is you not reading and comprehending my OP. There I described atheists and theist alike who ravel in their usage of mockery and ridicule, a tactic which you have evidently used in this thread. Unfortunately for you, you have failed miserably when it comes to the idea that different strokes for different folks needs to be taken into consideration if either community (theist and atheist) wishes to persuade the other to their way of thinking, or at least have a decent and intelligent discussion with one another, instead of resorting to immature conduct that is devoid of real substance, contributing to a total waste of time.

The door is still open if you wish to have an intelligent discussion with me Barry, but if resorting to mockery and ridicule is all you know and are capable of, then I would strongly advice that you take your argument somewhere else...perhaps to a Muslim/Christian extremist's website or similar.

What are some of the main objectives that atheists are aiming to achieve here? I’d like to share three with you.

Protecting the separation of church and state
2. Improving the public image of atheists.
3. Working toward a world without religion.

If we take number two for now, we find that people like you Barry are not contributing in any positive way to the cause so to speak. On the contrary, people with an attitude like yours, are actually giving this movement a bad name. As one atheist put it, “I'm getting really sick of religious people being able to find such ample evidence of atheists acting like complete asses because I am sick of being guilty by association. So, I think it's important to remember our goals and consider whether the things we say are detrimental to those goals”.

And just to balance things out here for you Barry, preaching and justifying their hell and damnation fear-mongering as legitimate means to gain conversions… "Cause that's exactly what some people need to get saved." Nothing ticked me off or turned me off more than the use of that scare mongering/judgmental tactic that is so often used by “religious people”!

I used to be on your side of the fence up until the age of 28 mate, but I never had the need or inclination to resort to methods/discussions that were less than intellectually based.

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I'm not swayed either way yet wingers but what you wrote here is just plain stupid.
I'm not swayed either way yet wingers but what you wrote here is just plain stupid.

Why? All of animals and insects have been proven to communicate with each other in one way or another, have peer hierarchy etc

How come none of them have an imaginary friend?
How come none of them have an imaginary friend?
Since you and not the theist is referring to God as "an imaginary friend", the onus is on you now to provide us with some real evidence for your claim,...that the believer in fact believes in "an imaginary friend". Let's see you do it.
Why? All of animals and insects have been proven to communicate with each other in one way or another, have peer hierarchy etc

How come none of them have an imaginary friend?

Ummm...because they don't have the cognitive ability?
Since you and not the theist is referring to God as "an imaginary friend", the onus is on you now to provide us with some real evidence for your claim,...that the believer in fact believes in "an imaginary friend". Let's see you do it.

Easy. No evidence of ever existing and therefore imaginary.
People talk to him, confide their troubles to him, etc, therefore a friend.

1 +2 = imaginary friend
Easy. No evidence of ever existing and therefore imaginary.
What type of evidence are you after, physical evidence? Prove love to me in the same exact way you want me to prove God to you. Can't you see how illogical that sounds?

You still have not proved anything to me re this imaginary friend as is believed by the theist. You are explaining, and explaining is not proving. I repeat, the onus is on you and not on the theist to prove his imaginary friend, since he does not believe it to be imaginary, but you say he does. So if you are making the claim for the theist, you better come up with a hell of a lot better argument than what you've come up with already. I'm waiting for a miracle here, because I know no matter how hard you try, you would fail miserably to prove someone else's point of view for them.
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Love has been proven by science, its a hormonal reaction in the brain.

Lol you must be one seriously dud fuck wingman. Who the fuck even considers the science of love you fucking queer cookie. Any wonder you got cash, too fucking boring for any fire cracker woman to take it off you.....
Back to @fadi; original thread idea. Existence is fleeting anyway, who's to say any of this is real. Life might be no more then a fleeting dream of another beign.

Look at the worker ant, he lives life with such drive to procreate and such single mindedness that it would be safe to assume in his world he feels like he is the centre of the universe that his society is all that matters. All he wants is the chance to feed and fuck his queen. Driven to the same base instinct we are - food, fuck, procreate, work for reward and an elevated place in his societ.

I have ants at home, it looks like rain, so there's lots of the little fucks. I'm going outside to crush 20 or so with my size 10 thong. Right up until I ended their existence they were living in a way near identical to how I live my life.

I had power over their lives and I exercised that power, somewhere there is a small worker ant who has had their breadwinner removed from the family, there is a queen who has lost a lover. I took that from them and they will never understand my existence or what I am in relation to them.

Does that make me a god?

Im not sure if the definition of God but I certainly am an unexplainable powerful force in their lives, I give them little more thought them crushing the life from them in s moment but I bet they feel the repercussions of my actions.

Whos to say we aren't just some other cünts version of the worker ant.

Live in the moment, fuck more, love more, do the shit you want but are scared to cause someone told you how you should live your life when you were a child.

If a size 10 (it's a metaphor dickheads) came out of the sky tomorrow and crushed me fucked if I'm gonna die wishing I fucked less chicks, spoke my mind less and spent more time debating theological bullshit. You're a long time dead, don't forget to enjoy the moment, it could be your last.

motherfucking ghandi brick dropping knowledge bombs on you ****s
@kaz; what gives?
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Why? All of animals and insects have been proven to communicate with each other in one way or another, have peer hierarchy etc

How come none of them have an imaginary friend?

Assuming animals have humanity, which they do not, how do you know they don't have imaginary friends? Big Bird had Mr Snuffy.
Love has been proven by science, its a hormonal reaction in the brain.

Nope. There are empirical data that would suggest certain chemicals are associated with sexual arousal and affection. That's not proof of love. Love is a construct. You don't prove constructs.
Why is there always an itch on my back where I cannot reach to scratch it?

There would be a reason, ask the itch. How you have an itch there depends on the length of your arms, flexibility and the irritant that is causing the itch in the first place.
Why? All of animals and insects have been proven to communicate with each other in one way or another, have peer hierarchy etc

How come none of them have an imaginary friend?
Well wingy, I don't ever recall an Aadvark building a double brick house or a praying mantis typing on the internet or dolphins sending themselves to the moon.

So yes your comment was still silly.
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