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if you go on aged score, I am actually a much better presser now than when at my biggest.

assisted by chemicals in early 1990s, I did 115kg at 100kg, and about 100kg at best off.
come on guys, I think I will test the lead on Monday.

I will not be happy if a 53 year old leads this test from floor to overhead.

Bazza, anyone?

I've gotta take it reasonably easy until I get some results back from an injury maybe later in the year I'll get back closer to my bests.
Nice work Spartacus. I'll concentrate on military press and front squats after my comp.
We have a new leader. Me. 85kg today at 91.5kg bodyweight.

Nice work Spartacus! Loved the verbal after the lift, ha.

How are you training your press if you don't mind my asking? Thinking of giving mine more focus at the expense of bench to have a run at the comp...
thanks guys.

Obee, not much to my training. do one flat out session every three weeks, today one, and then mix up medium and light days in between training around 60-65% of max. 4 sets of 6-8 with 1 minute rest. train press days twice per week, but once every third week due to 3 days on, one day off split routine.
[MENTION=6618]spartacus[/MENTION]; awesome lift m8, I am suitably impressed! Do you do anything special for warmups and mobility for the shoulders prior to pressing like that?

Every time I go for a max attempt lately I end up pulling a muscle that I had no intention of pulling, strangely enough.
no, hardly warmed up today. cleaning that weight is easy, so just did a walk and started with bar, then 40 for 5 reps, 50 for 3 reps, 60 for 2 reps, 70 for single, 77.5 for single, then the 85kg.

what I do, however, is make sure I am very fresh for day; a week of light weights. I only go heavy once every 3 weeks, so I am never lifting heavy when tired.

95kg cleaned from knee height racks. After doing 10 x 140kg bench. Totally un scheduled. Bodyweight 100.3kg.

If i do it from the floor then I have to catch the bar higher on the clavicles after the second pull and my elbows are pointing up so I can't press from there. Also a stiff belt is absolutely necessary for ohp and I find that makes cleaning from the floor difficult.
good stuff von, but no, it is not a clean. We do not have different rules for older men who cannot bend down properly. it would be like awarding a high squat, and we know what we think of those. Just work on it if you want the extra 2.5kg.

you should get 100kg+ if you do press first before bench.

I thought a clean from dead stop at the knee would be worth a bonus. There is no momentum to carry it through to the second pull.
you thought wrong. lift it from ground. opening post says 2.5kg bonus for lifting from ground.

please respect rule of law; applies equally to everyone.

have updated opening post with AusBB record press.
Today, claiming bonus kgs for knee high clean...tommorrow claiming natty but on modified self administered trt aka constant blast.. Where does it end...
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Today, claiming bonus kgs for knee high clean...tommorrow claiming natty but on modified self administered trt aka constant blast.. Where does it end...

no trt in this monkey. Clean from knee is more difficult. Ok I'll do the easier clean from the floor and press the same weight.

when are we going to have a meaningful competition like maximum number of bench press reps with 140kg.
no trt in this monkey. Clean from knee is more difficult. Ok I'll do the easier clean from the floor and press the same weight.

when are we going to have a meaningful competition like maximum number of bench press reps with 140kg.
Lol... That's not fair. Make it 100, then more of us shit benchers can compete.
Or how about 250kg deadlift Max reps?