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2014 Federal Budget

AUSTRALIANS are paying $100 million every year to thousands of disability pensioners living overseas, prompting concern that taxpayers are financing holiday lifestyles. As the Abbott Government prepares to slash entitlements and introduce a debt tax to rein in the Budget deficit, the Herald Sun can reveal 7313 disability support pensioners are living overseas, costing $99.9 million a year.

Almost 82,000 pension payments, mostly the age pension, go to people overseas.

Several attempts to strip the disability support pension from those living overseas for extended periods have been overturned by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Some had repeatedly missed Centrelink assessments and weren’t considered Australian residents.
Michael Urdzal kept his disability pension despite living in Bali for almost nine years and returning on day trips for Centrelink appointments.

Michael Urdzal kept his disability pension despite living in Bali for almost nine years and returning on day trips for Centrelink appointments.
The AAT ruled last month that although he was not an Australian resident, he was entitled to the pension because of the severity of his disability
Paul Ray, who’s travelled to Bali 18 times since being granted a disability pension in 2003, and who has started a family there, also successfully appealed against a departmental move to strip him of the pension over breaching residency requirements.

Now our 2nd bub is due, like [MENTION=16347]BrisVegasGhost[/MENTION]; , we are going thru the paid maternity leave stuff. Some lucky women get maternity pay from their boss and the govt! We will only get the govt one. 68 pages of forms to fill out lol.
Looks like we will also be violated more when filling up with the petrol excise set to rise, like motorists aren't shafted enough with mega prices or Rego, Insurance and the already high petrol prices....
Rego is going up by 25% in WA from the state gov budget or so they said on the news last night
I can understand some things are going to have to go up and maybe break some promises if the economy is in as bad a shape as we are led to believe, but increasing petrol excise fark me, it should almost be considered an essential service/commodity....I am OK with the Debt Levy or whatever they call it, but really petrol excise as well as the never ending increase in taxes on smokes and alcohol....
I'm sure if we get fucked over in a war, people will whinge that we didn't have enough fighter planes...
Nobody is ever happy, and alot of people criticise, but I don't think it would be an easy job!!
yeah i think thats a pretty fair observatiin, all the Gillard government seemed to do was spend which is why the deficit has blown out, some of what the Libs are doing is massiveky unpopular i think it is partly a necessity for future spending plans.
yeah i think thats a pretty fair observatiin, all the Gillard government seemed to do was spend which is why the deficit has blown out, some of what the Libs are doing is massiveky unpopular i think it is partly a necessity for future spending plans.

I agree. Don't like the idea of new taxes though but nothing I can do about it.
some welfare policies were never right in first place, although I feel sorry for people who depend on them.

Take FTB B. If you earn $145,000 and your mrs does not work, you get full benefit.

But if you both work as casuals, say $35,000 each, you get no FTB B.

Should have always been just FTB A, and eligibility based on total family income.
Heard on the radio that 50% of Australians receive more in welfare than they pay in tax.

We have far too many useless dole bludging fuckers that the rest of us are subsidising to do fuck all.
There is no doubt that welfare needs to be cut.

What i am worried about is whether there will be enough jobs, rather than work-for-the-dole alone.
There is no doubt that welfare needs to be cut.

What i am worried about is whether there will be enough jobs, rather than work-for-the-dole alone.

Problem is there is plenty of work but people don't want to do it. Go to a country area and farmers everywhere can't get people to work. I know some farms are getting filipinos in to work now.

Labour is our biggest hurdle to expansion here.
Heard on the radio that 50% of Australians receive more in welfare than they pay in tax.

We have far too many useless dole bludging fuckers that the rest of us are subsidising to do fuck all.

listen to the whole thing , those figures include middle class welfare

this is the thing that shits me , a friend works full time has a kid , she gets the full single parents pension $700 on top of her full time payment from work
the dole bludger if they are on newstart and get a part time job , their newstart payment is cut straight away

the disability pension , i have another friend on it because he can't read or write , seriously what sort of bullshit excuse is that, become a cleaner you don't need to know how to read or write for that
my local supermarket has a trolley boy, he aint all there but has been in the job for 25 years