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0ni's diet log

What protein do you use?? Ie brand and type and where do you get the egg protein powder, been meaning to get some.
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Bulk Nutrients. They are honestly the best in Australia
I was using their sister companies blended protein, proflex I think which is amazing but I can't afford that at the moment so blend my own.
I get 10kg of whey concentrate, 2kg of micellar casein and 2kg of egg white protein. Then just mix it all into one massive bucket- it will all mix through if you pour each bag individually then mix and just do 2 scoops.
Egg is the best thing really, the body loves it. I'd have just egg but it mixes poorly and has bad taste. The whey is just filler really but is very good, isolate is a rip off, don't get it ever. The 10% extra purity isn't worth the cost. If you're lactose intolerant just buy digestive enzymes. I add some in myself anyway. The micellar casein clots in the stomach and will bind the whole lot together. You can test this yourself by adding protease to your shake along with HCL and leaving it

You want a mixed source, blended protein for sure. I diet almost exclusively on chicken wings so it is very important to be to get in some egg and milk sources of protein
Cool thanks for that wanted to buy egg protein from BN a little while back and it was out of stock, noted just now that it's back in stock, will order some today

Used to use it years ago buying it from a healh food shop.

Just wondering why don't you eat eggs?? Or a bigger variety of meat??

Been following your diet with interest. Just started Keto diet myself. Generally have some poached egg and bacon for breakfast. Been having Universal Nutrition Ultra whey pro which is a blend but I stil add a 1/2 scoop of BN Cassein which I still have here. Was mainly doing it to get rid of it as I did not like the taste or texture of it. I also have a tub of UN cassein pro here, which I will use once the BN stuff runs out. Then will see how ot goes.

Anyway will order some egg protein this arvo so should have it some time during the week.

Well I did when I first started but as I dieted harder and harder I lost my taste for a lot of food. Especially steaks, lamb chops, pork chops etc. I just simply can't eat it any more and it's a struggle to get it down in the quantity I need.

Lamb/pork ribs I like very much so though. But I have found myself overeating massively with these and they are pricey. With the bone in, it's hard to get them much cheaper than $10 a kilo. I am pretty short on money at the moment but I like them as a treat.
Chicken wings I can always eat and plenty they go down very easy really.
Eggs are very good and tasty, 30 of them costs $7. That is an OK days worth of food if I wanted a low calorie day. 180g of protein but less than 2000kcal. And eating 30 eggs is very hard work really lol. Not really high enough in calories for me. I get 6-12 free per week though so I'll have them for lunch on a higher calorie day alongside something else or I'll take just the egg whites and have them on my fasting day

Is the casein you have micellar or calcium caseinate? You need the micellar, the caseinate isn't the same, it doesn't clot up the same and will not mix well at all
30 eggs in a day. Fark dat.... How do you season/cook your wings? I love my chook but getting a little tired of the same old chicken breast..

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30 eggs in a day. Fark dat.... How do you season/cook your wings? I love my chook but getting a little tired of the same old chicken breast..

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Yeah chicken breast is terrible... I fucking hate it
For wings it depends. Sometimes I like them smoky and sometimes I do not

If I am in a smoky mood I will cover them in cayenne on one side and then a second coating with paprika. I put them on a baking tray for 30 mins at 220. Then I take them out, turn them and I will apply more cayenne and paprika. If I don't want them smoky I will not have paprika at all. I then cover them with hot sauce. I made my own from nandos hot sauce, some tabascos, blairs ultra death sauce and I'll shake it all up. This just gets brushed on it's all it needs really. Then it goes back in for 30 minutes

Sometimes I get impatient though and will just do 20 minutes a side. 30 minutes is better imo but 20 minutes is good too
I have the BN Mecellar Cassein, it's a really fine powder, and very dusty and messy. Don't really like it but it's fine just putting a scoop (it comes with a smaller than standard scoop) added to a shake.

The UN Cassein is Mecellar Cassein. And the UN protein pro is a WPC and WPI blend.

Will probably be ordering some more BN protein soon, actually might order some with my egg protein.

I can see how you get sick of steak and stuff, I love pork ribs and chicken wings and chicken drum sticks, don't have many eggs, only really one or two a day on average. 30 eggs would be like a brick in your gut.
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How do you cook chicken breast? I need to start boiling it in a vat or something.
Steam some rice, add beans, grill chicken and chop it up, add chicken to rice and bean mix.
[MENTION=10318]DREADLIFT[/MENTION]; put me on to this little jar of wonderful goodness.

Few more details as I am not logging my training at the moment
How am I training to break my stalled progress?
I am training mornings now as well, normally deadlifts. Done fast, dynamic. Nothing fancy I am starting at 60% and just doing reps on the minute until I need to go to work (30 minutes). Then I just add 2.5kg a time and eventually I won't be able to do it any more so I'll take the weight off again. Stephen Pritchard pointed out two issues with my deadlift at the seminar- my stance width which needs to be wider and pulling my lats in a little more at the start of the pull. So this is good practice

Next my training is more fast paced in the afternoon. Today I did front squats, my PR is 130kg and I rested only to drink water and change weights. I did triples working up 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, doubled 110, single with 120kg and I felt I had 125kg in me for the day. I dropped down to 105kg, did 3x3 then did a single with 110kg. I then moved onto deadlift, put 180kg on (75%) and did 4 triples. All the rest I had with this was 15 deep breaths. Then I did walking lunges to stretch my shit like I always do, some calves and shoulder then went home. The whole thing took 35 minutes. Yes, that is fucking brutal.

I've also isolated myself completely from people while at work. Headphones go in and I alternate Cannibal Corpse at work with Hatebreed at night. This keeps me amped the fuck up. I have a 90 minute commute to work so I put my laptop on the passenger seat and alternate between the films Crank & Crank 2. Of course, I don't watch this while I drive but I know the movies so fucking well and it always gets me amped up. Great start to the day.

I'll see how it goes through this week. I also am going to look into changing around my cheat meal. I'm not sure if I should make the majority of my carbs sugars or make them mostly complex. Different people say different things, so I am probably going to have to pick one or the other and stick with it as I currently do a 50/50 mix of both. Although I have no idea what I should eat as it's been so long since I ate these foods I forgot what I like. Maybe hit up a fast food joint for low glycemic refeeds. High glycemic is easy really
It's happening [MENTION=8399]0ni[/MENTION]; is turning into our generations Patrick Bateman
There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp and I do not hope for a better world for anyone, in fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others